First grow, help..


New Member
I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what's wrong with my plant, and what I can do to help it get better. She doesn't look too good :(
Her bottom leafs have been turning yellow and then brown, and they eventually wilt and fall off. It has to be a deficiency because I didn't add nutes until a week ago. I'm using Fox Farm Ocean forest as soil, and I am using Peter's 20-20-20 as a fert. She's about a foot tall and I transplanted her into a 5 gallon smart pot two days ago.
For now, I'm growing in a rubber maid container but I'm going to get a grow tent very soon because it just isn't working. I'm using 2 105 cfls (yes, they are actual watts not equivilants) for lights, and my light schedule is 16/8. The water I'm using is tap, which has a ph of 7. This strain is LSD. I didn't think I would need a carbon filter for the veg stage, but damn... she stunk! Could smell her a few rooms away when she hit 1 month. Seriously. I'm not sure if it hermied or not, I can see the little white hairs on the top, but on the bottom I think I see something that looks like balls but they are too small for me to tell, plus my camera isn't all that great. Excuse the clutter, lol



Well-Known Member
What is your watering routine? Soil doesn't look too dry and they are droopy. Are you overwatering?


New Member
I water it when the soil feels dry, which is every 3-5 days. Might have gave it too much water last time, though.
Not the top, but about 2 inches in


Well-Known Member
Nute burn Too much N looks like to me . The balls you think you see are probably just swollen calyxes.


Did you start in Ocean Forest? How much how much Peters did you give her?

First of all, assuming she was started in Ocean Forest her early growth is nute burn. Ocean Forest is too hot for a young plant. The newer growth looks fine. BUT, from where I'm sitting I see trans-plant shock! There's no sense in feeding a newly trans-planted plant until it is well established. When that happens start with a 25% Peters solution and go up 10% at a time with each feeding until the leaf tips JUST BARELY show a bit of burn then back down to the last dosage and leave it there. What you need to do now is simply flush it good with a B1 and plain water solution at a rate of 1-2 tbl/gallon and wait until she's over the shock. :hump:


New Member
One other problem. A smell problem. Despite me running a carbon filter (that I bought, not made) that's bigger than the plant, it still smells in my room. It's not even flowering yet, only pre-flowering.
I just can't have the neighbors noticing.. Hoping it's because of how the grow box is designed. Based on a review, I thought the plant would have low odor. Nooppee x3
The carbon filter worked for a week or two. I didn't notice any weed smell unless I brought the plant out of the box.* Now I can smell it outside the grow area. A little smell in my room? Fine. But I can't smell up the block when it starts flowering lol. I have considered just trashing it and getting a strain that is gauranteed to be low smell.. but I kinda feel attatched to it. I mean, it's my first plant and all..
*the smell of activated carbon was very strong, however


I can't comment on the smell issue since I grow outdoors, but that B1 is fine, though way too pricey. You can get plain old B 1 at most hardware/garden stores for less than $10. Try an ACE hardware if you have one near by. B1 should always be used when transplanting. Don't break up the roots when doing so, unless it's severely root bound. Root bound plants should have their roots loosened up under water.


Well-Known Member
Your local hydro shop will have anti-stink the moment I can't remember the name that works very well. I'm a bit hung-over this morning so I'm not firing on all cylinders at the moment. I recall it was somewhere around $15. It's jar that all you have to do is take the lid off and it'll take care of the smell.


Active Member
Hey bro, u know how some people who can't have kids cant believe people have abortions. Imagine how someone with a shit first grow experience feels about your last post.


New Member
Not sure what you mean.
You mean how I thought about getting rid of it because I'm worried about how it will smell when it starts to flower? I'd probably just add another filter if the smell got too strong. Though, I probably won't have to. It's most likely just the rubber maid box. Either that, or I got a crappy filter. But I don't think I did.


New Member
I wouldn't worry too much about the neighbors smelling anything. It's hard to get the law involved from smells. Just blast your exhaust directly into their yard. But, if you live in a hood like mine you would be more worried about neighbors breaking in and stealing your plants and everything else.


New Member
I have a temp problem. It's 90F inside the grow tent. I have 2 small fans and 1 medium sized fan in the tent and a huge exhaust fan/carbon scrubber.
How can I lower the temps? :/