First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb


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THis is my first grow. I'm starting my journal a bit late but there's still lots of time for progress. I'm hoping that anyone interested will give me any advice they have...I'm all for anything that'll help with a great outcome. Sorry that the photos arent of super high quality. They are from my phone which has a good camera but not exactly as vivid as I'd like to show.

I am using a bloombox from BC northern lights and Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb. I had seen posts with people who had many problems with this strain but the attainment of seeds was easy so I'm giving it a go. I also have one from bagseed which I was told was King's Cross.

After germinating and moving down into the vegetation tubs I noticed that the airstones werent putting much oxygen into the water but I didnt know if that was normal or not. One plant had significantly deformed leaves. Another had odd discoloration i thought might be a Mg deficiency but was advised it was from over nutrition (using Advanced Nutrients). Here are some pics before this...highlighting the deformed plant and the other with discoloration


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I then one day accidentally shifted the tub. Low and behold the air line to stones in the tub must have been restricted because it REALLy started to pump out the air into the tub. I then noticed significant growth and the roots really took off.

My ppm at this point is maybe still high but they seem to be doing alright. I think maybe leaving it the same or just a bit lower (from when it was too high) will balance out with how much they are growing. It's about about 700ppm.

My mother plant in the coco brick is growing much slower but I assume this is to be expected. She also has some badly burned tips from nutrient burn. I watered her a lot with just balanced water and I'm assuming she will come around (for future reference, this is assuming it's a she).


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Up to the They are growing LOTS. Not fast enough when you admire them so often but fast still. This strain supposedly will grow to 24in. when flowered at 12 inches. Actually, they say "when flowered from a cutting of 12 inches." Does this differ from a plant from seed? Will a plant from seed grow larger/taller than a cutting? If so I will need to flower them earlier at mabe 8 to 10 inches because I dont want them getting over 24 to 30 inches tall.


Hound Dog

Active Member
Up to the They are growing LOTS. Not fast enough when you admire them so often but fast still. This strain supposedly will grow to 24in. when flowered at 12 inches. Actually, they say "when flowered from a cutting of 12 inches." Does this differ from a plant from seed? Will a plant from seed grow larger/taller than a cutting? If so I will need to flower them earlier at mabe 8 to 10 inches because I dont want them getting over 24 to 30 inches tall.
If you are growing from seed flower those babies at 5"-6" inches. For my first grow from seed I flowered at 8"-10" inches and in 4 weeks they were touching the glass in my Bloombox. Everything in the middle burned up under the light and there was so much plant matter that the light couldn't penatrate the canopy which really affected my yield. I still got about 5 ounces but it could have been way better.


Active Member
That would mean i should flower them like tomorrow!!

I'd really like to know if your experience is based off of this strain or if it is based off of another strain that is supposed to be a taller plant.

Here are pics from today. My mother plant is still hurting despite flushing with just water. I'm hoping it'll get better!! I have a product called "recover" from advanced nutrients that was sent to me as part of the bundle I purchased with my box. It is supposed to correct malnutrition but I dont know if it's simply for lack of, or OVER nutrition.

ALSO....I planned on the 36 hours of darkness but I have a few questions:
Do i have the pumps running and light off....or everything off for this time period?
When people refer to "flush" as in flushing with just ph balanced water during this 36 hours......does that refer to just one good solid watering or what?
I hope someone can offer some tips soon.


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I've got the whole 36 hour period plan down.

Now I was hoping someone could recommend a good way/time to take cuttings.

I assume these plants are too early to take cuttings from. My concern is that My mother, ....would turn out to be a father haha. I also do not want to risk taking cuttings from a plant in flowering.

So am I then to just wait......until my small (and unhealthy) mother is large enough to take clones from and HOPE they are female? Or can I likely take cuttings from a plant that is not so far into flowering?

I just dont want to have to worry about getting more seeds. Such a pain!!


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I feel like I'm talking to myself but it's for my own purposes anyway haha.

Today i mixed up my first batch of nutes and filled the flowering res. Tonight at 9 they get put into the flowering chamber in darkness for 36 hours so that they can start up at 9am on Monday morning.

They're SO beautiful!

My mother is doing a little better. I snipped the burnt tips. Perhaps that's not a good thing to do? If it's 'whatever' then at least it makes me feel better looking at it.

A concern i have is that, even at this stage, they are taking up so much space that some fan leaves are covering other fan leaves. The ones beneath another start to darken. Granted...the flowering side has more space but I'm still concerned they might simply fill out the space extensively. I dont want to do much pruning once they are in flowering.


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Well-Known Member
watch those babys grow they will tripple in size in fhe first 3 days after the 36 hours dark i garantee you


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It's been almost a week.

I put them into flowering. Some were 5 inches. Some were 6. I still think this might be early but I'm going off advice that they will rapidly fill the flowering chamber.

Here are some issues I'm hoping someone can offer advice on:

At first glance..most appear great. But with closer a closer look I notice lesions on virtually every plant. It was most notable on the one I kept in vegetation under the hydroponic system (to get it to grow rapidly to take cuttings from) but they are present on all plants (on lower leaves as new ones form) except the one that is not 'endless sky." Due to the intense lighting in the flowering side it's almost impossible to see iwth my camera but these splotches are on every plant and i'm SO SO worried.

The "king's cross has HUGE leaves that are really kinda droopy and pep to them at all. (not pictured).

Lastly. I use this stuff called "carbo-load." it makes the water a little foamy with large floating particles and the roots clump together surrounded by this nasty GOO. it also smells bad. Is this normal?

A few still have deformed leaves despite a very low nute level due to burnt tips.

This first photo shows a plant who's top leaves are scrunched up and wrinkly looking. The second shows the lesions as best as I can photo them. The third is of all of them (looking ok from a distance) in the flowering chamber.

I hope the picture is detailed enough to see what i speak of. I could really use some advice. I'm just following the nutrient instructions from BCNL because my tds pen is all jacked up. It calibrates (turned down as low as it can go) at like 1400 in an 1000 ppm calibration solution. yet reads just above 1000 when I test the nutes i JUST added. GRRRR


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i HOOOPPPE this is not root rot . Anyone? Anyone?

It maybe seems a bit yellow ish..hard to tell with all the slime. I thought it was likely from the carboload but it might make sense that since my chamber temps were high that it might be starting of rot.


Well-Known Member
does look like root rot to me sorry pal..... clean ther res realy well and i mean realy well flush with water for about 5 days and cut all the slimy di coloured roots off and hopefully save the plant but you must do it asap one of my plants did it and its now about 2 weks behind my other plants but re-rooted fine

good luck


Active Member
So i should actually CUT OFF slimy roots?

The other plants in the veg. chamber DO have root rot.

I'm sure this is from a few days where the temp soared.

Despite my thermostat on 72 degrees....the unit heats the room to 80 and causes the box to get up to 90. For now i'm just leaving the doors open and blowing a fan and it brough the temp in the box down to 75 which i think is ideal.


Well-Known Member
ye cut the roots ..... i did same 2 hot in the res,,,, now i just leave cubbord door open and just shut the room door so load root for them to breeth


Active Member
I dont know what you mean by "so load the root"


I took the plants out of the res (i was recently told this is bad but It's virtually impossible to clean the res with the plants in it and they were only out of the hydro for abou 10 to 15 minutes). Emptied it. Cleaned it throughly. Refilled with just ph balanced water and 1tsp of hydrogen peroxide per gallon. THe doors are open and I have a fan running on them. The temp is good now (76 or so...whereas it is 90 with the doors closed and the water temp is just above 70 degrees).

Anyone have any suggestions as to how long I should be running with just water? My plants show nutrient deficiencies already (lockup I'm guessing from all the problems). Having contacted the breeder of this strain; Based on what I told him my plants were looking like he suggested a cal-mag supplement. The leaves are currently doing that "praying" thing where the edges are curled up. Many websites I see mention this is a Mg deficiency. Or does anyone have any other suggestions in general? My plan is to run with just water for a day or two...empty the water then replace with added nutes.

Argh, also.....It's about time for me to start turning on the CO2 system but I'm thinking I should not do this with unhealthy roots?!?!?


Well-Known Member
if defiiciency showing i would add the nowts just slow root growth add a few table spoons of root repair powder to the res to counter the newts burning the growth of new roots can get it from most garden centres

Hound Dog

Active Member
I'm not sure if you have root rot, I can't tell from that small picture. I do know that I use an additive similar to Carboload called Sweet, and it does turn my roots a brownish color. Brown enough to think I had root rot on my first grow!!!:mrgreen:

I think your real issue is with your tds pen, maybe get some better calibration solution or something. What is you PH? Flushing your plants was a good idea, let them clear out for a day or two, and then cut down the nutrients. I wouldn't go by the feeding schedule that BCNL gave you. Use the nutrient calculator on the Advanced Nutrients website and start with the light feeding schedule.

Advanced Nutrients' Nutrient Calculator - Analyze Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrient Levels for Your Hydroponic or Indoor Garden.

Once you learn what your plants need, you'll figure out how to start pushing them with the nutes.

For my first grow, I put the plants in the flowering chamber and they burned the first week because my ppm was too high. I included a picture of my first nute burn.:wink: I flushed them for a couple days and reduced the nutes for the next batch. For my second grow I worked my way up 100ppm every week until they started to burn again. Now I know not to go over 1400ppm for my strain of AK47.

That first grow is a mother fucker!!! You look at your plants every 10 minutes and get paranoid about every little thing. I thought I had root rot, bugs, nutrient deficiencies and any other thing you can think of. Turns out I was just overfeeding, too much love.:peace:


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Yes, I am paranoid but something surely WAS wrong. Some had very slimy roots. Others had dark brown spots on them. My big concern was cutting the roots...they LOOK better but maybe i need to see about some kind of additive to promote fast root growth?!

BCNL said to flush for a day or two..the guy (who was more helpful) at Advanced Nutrients said for 12 hours. I flushed the slimy ones in flowering for 12 and then put in new water and nutes but at a low level. I'll change out the water for the others (I think clearly root rot) tomorrow morning.

The leaves (virtually all fan leaves) have severe brown splothches. That combined with their curving up I think is from deficiency from lockout...90% sure on that.

Should I hold off on the CO2?

Should I consider spraying them with a mild solution? I've read in some threads that you do not want to spray/mist during flowering.