First Grow, Day 4 and already a Mistake!!

Kevin A

Active Member
So I wanted to get my plants some fresh sunlight yesterday afternoon. Im using a Jiffy Greenhouse to get my plants started, I put my plants in the lid of the greenhouse and put the lid on my roof. It was a beautiful day and lots of sunshine.

I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things and when I walked out of the store, the weather really changed. It went from Sunshine, to Cloudy and really windy. I hurried home to get my plants off of the roof but it was to late.

The wind blew my 3 plants off and all of them were upside down. I was soooo pissed, but I quickly picked them up and put more soil in them. I think I might get by lucky, the plants werent even a inch tall yet, and none of the stems were broken.

I placed them back in my ho135.jpguse and in the jiffy greenhouse and put the GH on a heating pad. Should I get one of my heat lamps and give these babies some 6500w CFL lights.

Kevin A

Active Member
Should i leave the plants in the jiffy greenhouse with the cover on it still? or should i take the cover off and place the plants next to a four inch personal fan and give it 24 hrs of tlc and cfl lightening?

Kevin A

Active Member
just woke up and checked the plants, looks like im gonna be losing 2 of the 3, its a sad day for me. The lone survivor is looking really perky after being under the light all night. Looks like Im gonna germnate the last of my seeds.

Lesson learned!!