First Grow - Curing Question

Hi everyone, Im Mike from the UK.

I have just harvested my first indoor grow, made a few rookie mistakes but all turned out well in the end.

I had 4 plants, cut them and hung them to dry. 4 different strains, unsure what strains.

They are kept seperate and after 4 days of drying one was 100% bone dry so i cut the buds off and put them into a big glass jar to cure them.

My question is, yesterday when i put them into the jar they were dry, sticky and smelt really potent.. Now, after 18 hours in the jar, i opened it to give them 20 minutes air, they smell rubbish now, nothing compared to how they did before they went in the jar and they are damp

Is this normal? Will they, after a while, smell nice again?

Edit: I just realised that i posted this in the wrong forum, can somebody move it to harvesting / curing for me please?

Also, when airing them out do i have to wait until they dry again before putting them back in the jar or can they go back in slightly damp?

Thanks all.


I may be wrong on this one, but from my understanding of what I read that is kind of normal. Your buds were dry on the outside when they went into the jar, but the process of curing helps draw those last bits of moisture out of the center of the bud. So for a bit as that moisture works its way out it would seem as though your bud was getting moist when in actuality it's just working from the inside out.

And please if I am wrong someone correct me, I'd like to be a productive member here :)


Well-Known Member
yeah curing evens out the moisture throughout the bud...if your buds are superdense sometimes you have to cut them up a little bit and leave them out or put them in a brown paper bag and let them sit for a day or two to get a little more moisture out...just empty out everything in the jars on to a piece of cardboard or something and cut the larger buds down a little bit and put them in a dark place again(or in a brown paper bag like I suggested)...then put them back in the jars and start curing again, but burp them more often than once per it 3-4x/day for 10-15mins :)
Thanks, I was worried that I hadn't let them dry enough before starting the curing. I read elsewhere that if you dont then they "sweat"

My main concern is the smell. It smelt like nice high grade but now it smells like what i call standard, pond weed. Damp and nasty.

Will it get it's smell back once all the moisture is drawn out?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I was worried that I hadn't let them dry enough before starting the curing. I read elsewhere that if you dont then they "sweat"

My main concern is the smell. It smelt like nice high grade but now it smells like what i call standard, pond weed. Damp and nasty.

Will it get it's smell back once all the moisture is drawn out?
Maybe...maybe not... ;)


The smell depends on the strain. But I am in my third week of curing and the smell does come back after it goes to smelling like hay. I had another issue where one of my plants smelled like...well I can't explain the smell but it wasnt right at all. I consulted the curing forum and sure enough that smell calmed right down after 2 weeks of curing. Its kind of cool to see weed at all the stages I brought it at before (ready vs. not ready).
My smell never came back as strong as it was at cut down except when I break it up now.
And if the smell doesn't come back beautiful and strong as long as the smoke is right who cares, right?