First Grow (CLF)


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, had a friend doing it for about 3 years now and he is finally giving up so i bort all this gear off him and hopefully with a little help from him i can start my own little grow, i've germinated my seeds and potted them one of them has popped above the surface already i though it was a little strange, its only been one day since i potted them. well if anyone could help me out and tell me some tips about growing with CFL's i would be more then greatful, and i bort that book 'Buds For Less' waiting for it to come though :)


Well-Known Member
Here are the pictures of my Babys as they grow, only got one 20w CFL on them atm got another one waitin for when they get a little bigger :) if anyone could give me any advise on the lighting i would be more then greatful thanks :)



Well-Known Member
just come back from holiday to find one died and the other just starting to have 3 speared leafs :D that put a big smile on my face, my set up is in a old xbox 360 box with a 20w CFL = 125w light with a reflector, the plants have come out fine so far :)



Well-Known Member

Well done, now thats called wanting to grow no matter what. Good Luck buddy !! The only problem I"m forseeing for you other than potentially a lack of air flow, is that man, to flower a full grown plant in a 360 box.. I just don't see it happenin. I'm hoping that maybe your just using that to start out till they get a bit bigger or even just to veg little guys in there and then have a seperate taller box for flowering.. Just keep in mind, plants easily double if not triple during flower !!

Good luck dude !!!
I"m a stick around for this one...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The xbox 360 box is just for a small time, im building a 1m x 1m x 1.8m grow room with a mother room that is 70 x 70 x 80, i got 4 x PC fans for the mother and grow rooms also made a couple of those carbon filters, to go in the grow room and then once the plants start to flower i will put the plants on top of the mothering room, got a drip feed system that i have bort, so it waters all the plants at the same time. also got a couple of long FL for clones and mothers and some CFL's for the flowering seasons. i will get some pics up soon on how it got from start to finish :) and what it looks like, by the way do you think putting polystyene in the grow room to capture the heat is a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have it all planned out man, thats awesome !
Can't wait to see the pics of your box. As the Good Dr said.. What are the temps in the box like currently with lights on and off and all that good stuff ?? Gotta know the temps before you work on insulation/cooling !!

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
28C/29C in the box atm but i've just stuck a fan on the box now as you can see in the pictures to give the plant some air flow got a little hole at the top of the box for the air to exscape and the fan is blowing new air in, btw checked my plant again today and i noticed a smell, my little babys already startin to smell :) does that mean anythin if it starts to smell now? got some more pics for you all :)



Well-Known Member
Looking good man, looking good.

I"d say your lucky that it smells this early, but thats just cause I love the smell.. lol.. my lil plants don't have any smell yet. Well they smell "green" but not like ganja just yet.

Dude I know its not the final spot but i LOVE that xbox box.. I happen to have about 50 empty 360 boxes in the warehouse at work. No lie everytime I walk bye them I'm like shit yo I could grow 50 little clones one in each and no1 would know lol..

Keep up the update/pics/ and good work man !!


Well-Known Member
lol man, i was just scanning around the room and though what could i start them off in, its great, the box has a little peep hole at the top so you can keep and eye on your plants without even opening the box :) and they are so easy to cut and shape to how you want :), the speared leafs are coming up really well now, and the roots have just started to poke though the bottom of the plant pot which im gessing is a good sign, now i need to put them into a another pot, tomorrow i will put it into bigger pot. Do you think putting my plant into a heated propagator would be ok with a couple of lights on it?



Well-Known Member
Repotted the plant and cut the top of the pot to let more light to the plant also wacked another fan in the box with another light, 2 light mean alot of heat in one box so i put a small fan to suck the air out and i got a bigger one pumpin the air in, the average heat in there is about 29°c and the humidity is from 50 to 60.



Well-Known Member
Check it again today and the roots are now showing at the bottom of my second pot tomorrow i will repot again and the leafs have really started to take forum :)



Well-Known Member
didnt get around to repotting it today, hopefully tomorrow the roots are really showing now so i better do it soon i gess, change up xbox box set up today allowing more space and better air circulation :)



Well-Known Member
repotted it today, change the grow room aswell into a bigger space until my monster is finished, will get some pics for you all tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
Repotter it today setting into it really well :) also changed the room that it was in still waitin on some parts for my monster grow room



Well-Known Member
Just finished my bigger grow room off tonight, put the plants in there but worryed about the temp of the room, i was thinking of putting polystyrine in the inside of all the walls and roof, it will also act as a reflector, do you think it is a good idea? the room is at 25 degrees and its 60% humidity! will get some pictures up for you all :)


Well-Known Member
Well my plant is loving the new room the temps and humidity are really good from what other grows say which im extremely happy about :) the room is 1 x 1 x 2, built out of Wood, DPM and Weather Plywood, took me about 3 days total to build it from scratch it cost me about £50, Lighing cost me about £30 Hydroponic system cost me £20 and Nutrients, Clay Pebbles etc come to just over £25, Bort a heater for the room (Greenhouse Heater) costing £15, Webcam to keep track on my plants while im out and about :)

