First grow..clf...yeild expectations

That Ohio Kidd

Well-Known Member
This is my first grow...I have one plant that I just switched to flowering at about 10 inches tall due to time issues. I have over 3500 lumens of cfl's about 3 inches from plant covering all sides from head to toe. I used very expensive ferts for veg and will for flowering too.


Junior Creatologist
so your wondering what to expect yieldwise? its kind of hard to say what type of yield you would get from your plants without knowing what strain your using, what type of nutes, and alot of factors that are unknown to us. And even then, it would still be kinda hard to be able to tell you what to expect... sorry brobongsmilie


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow...I have one plant that I just switched to flowering at about 10 inches tall due to time issues. I have over 3500 lumens of cfl's about 3 inches from plant covering all sides from head to toe. I used very expensive ferts for veg and will for flowering too.
that is hard qustion to answer
it is like me asking you
what colour is my dog????


Well-Known Member
1 plant under cfls?--how many bulbs?--how many watts each?

i'm going to say 10g dry weight (not including shake 'n' timber)

That Ohio Kidd

Well-Known Member
Just found out the plant is female...made my day haha...its now just over a foot tall (stealth grow). I will let you know the yield and maybe put some pictures up. i have one 42w and two 26w cfl's on it...i've been putting a multi-spectrum plant light on it every once and a while (65 w) we'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana for less by See More Buds is a book that covers the day by day from seedling to smoke. He grew 8oz with standard cfls on three plants.

That Ohio Kidd

Well-Known Member
plant is three weeks into flowering and has crystals all over forming buds...the plant more than tripled in size and has buds growing everywhere...guaranteed more yield than 7 or 10 grams


Well-Known Member
Hey first grow was cfl's one plant, about 12" when i switched to flower in a ghetto ass cabinet...
2 oz's wet....and one ounce dry!!!!!!!

That Ohio Kidd

Well-Known Member
thanks bro i was hopin to hear good news like thaat...its about 22 inches tall right now with branches shooting out everywhere on the bottom with little colas on the i hope i get atleast an looks way better than i expected and i also am growin in a ghetto ass setup in a closet haha i throw the final weight up here in a few weeks to let ya know how it went


Well-Known Member
3500 Lumens in total?... Well being a large supporter of ghetto grows.. since mine is one too lol.
But i'm gonna say up to an ounce, considering you invested in some good plant food... but you could definitely get better lighting... and how long has it been vegging?

Whats the wattage on each bulb? and what's your setup like?

I'd really like to see some pics man.. this look interesting.

That Ohio Kidd

Well-Known Member
3500 Lumens in total?... Well being a large supporter of ghetto grows.. since mine is one too lol.
But i'm gonna say up to an ounce, considering you invested in some good plant food... but you could definitely get better lighting... and how long has it been vegging?

Whats the wattage on each bulb? and what's your setup like?

I'd really like to see some pics man.. this look interesting.
we are at college so we only vegged for 6 weeks or so i think cuz we wont be here for break...i'm used floranova grow and currently using bloom...i also use bloodmeal (N) additive for the dirt. The nutes seem to reall be working. I have a 42w and 2-26 w on my one plant and i keep them close to it moving them all day so the whole plant gets light. the buds grow everyday and have tons of resin on them and the leaves...i have it in the closet with one fan. the pot it is in isnt big but everyone told me my plant would only get a foot taLL and its almost two feet now. My camera is messed up as you can tell but i have the lights in reflective ballasts things that hang lights workshop lights they are very nice to move around. I will try to get more pics up tho sorry


Well-Known Member
Nice man... I'm actually a uni student too lol... growing in my apt.

And i vegged for 6 weeks too, just gonna put it into flowering this saturday... and then 8 weeks till I leave before the spring break... should be good.

Post some pics man... Goodluck.
and check out my grow too.

That Ohio Kidd

Well-Known Member
Nice man... I'm actually a uni student too lol... growing in my apt.

And i vegged for 6 weeks too, just gonna put it into flowering this saturday... and then 8 weeks till I leave before the spring break... should be good.

Post some pics man... Goodluck.
and check out my grow too.

haha i'm in an apartment too...great minds think alike i guess. But i'll try to get some good pics up here my camera takes really bad ones though as you can tell. I wish i had more lights but im running outta room in the ghetto closet for them.

That Ohio Kidd

Well-Known Member
due to space i couldnt fit the whole plant in the picture (not much room in those closets lol) but the first pic is the lower half and the next one is close up on some of the branchshoots, Sorry i know these pictures are horrible but they give you some idea. I'll get a better picture tonight or tomarrow and will also put up pics of the harvest. It is almost 5 weeks into flower and hairs are starting to turn red



Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow OK. It sounds like you are taking good care of her. I will be watching your grow.
Do you know what strain this is? Or is it bagseed?
I hope you get at least an ounce.