First grow box in progress!


Active Member
First Grow box project I'm building it to fit what I need for growing Hydroponic/ Organic
the Specs are 36inches by 24inches wide top and bottom, using plywood for the box part there are going to be 2 panels 3ft tall 24inches wide and 2more that will be 36inches wide 3ft tall.
:weed: Ventilation is going to be 2 computer fans one low for intake and one high for outtake.
using Aluminum tubing from a dryers exhaust to take the air out. , on the bottom of the box I will custom make a pot holder for all sizes of pots from sprout to tree this will be made out of plywood cut 36 x 24 inches with holes cut for the pots. there will be two plant holder panels on the sides to have more grow room. Aluminum foil be stapled to the sides, top and bottom in sheets. The light I will be using is a 24inch circle Full spectrum CFL mounted at the top. timers rigged to the outside of the box, I will be uploading pictures when i get started on this after the weekend, small details will be added/worked out as i go my goal is to have an automated grow box that will grow from sprout to tree!
thanks for reading feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, concerns or just shoot the shit


Active Member
my suggestions:

- DO NOT use aluminum foil! Just paint it white, its easier and much more reflective. (This shows how much reading you really have to do before building your box)
- You haven't said anything about the hydro system you want to use - if its your first grow, you will prob want to start with soil, as its much less complex to set up (and less investment).

- Take your time to research, design, and build your box right (or as "right" as possible) the first time. Trying to cut corners and costs will leave you scrambling to fix all sorts of problems after you start planting.

good luck


Well-Known Member
You might want to consider odor control if you're planning to flower in this box and stealth is a concern.


Active Member
Stealth will be a concern but by the time its flowering it will not be a worry. Thank you I will not use tin foil infact paint is on the shopping list,. My hydro system is one from the home depot with grow cubes and hydroton last year it was set up in my closet and i grew a test tomato plant up to six feet tall.
but I do agree with organic growing with dirt as i found out hydroponics doesn't do anything without the PH up and PH Down PH tester and all.
I have been getting information and talking to other people i know who grow, the box is going to be alot bigger as I like trees not shrubs =D
cutting corners is never a way to go in my book do it right the first time or don't do it, now oder control?