first grow box idea..need feedback plz


So im about to be moving out and i am anxiously waiting to get my first grow box setup. Before I go out and drop alot of money I would like to hear any suggestions or comments about my future setup from some of you more experienced growers. But 2 things isn't too much of an issue, and I also plan on using a dank seed from an online seed bank.

My idea was to have a 70x26x26 enclosed grow box in my closet. I want to have a small floor fan pumping air into the box from the bottom and an exhaust fan on top with a carbon filter attatched after the plant starts smelling. I also was considering using HPS, CFL, and Metal Halide lights to make sure it will grow perfect. For the soil I heard Fox Farm will work great and I wasn't exactly sure what to use for fertilizer.

Now, I'm not sure what to use for an exhaust fan and I was wondering if you could help me out with that and what lights I should get with what wattage. And I also have no clue how often I will need to water this thing. If you can answer my questions it'd be appreciated. thanks:!:
Im no expert but I have read a lot about growing. I would go with a Vortex or Can fan. Fox Farm Ocean forest is great for growing , little warrior is good for seedlings. For the Nutes I would go with the full range of Fox Farm and If your growing 1 to 5 plants a 400 watt hps with easy cool would be just right. this is suppose to be 1 of the top ballast on the market. This is the best bulb on the market Hortilux Super HPS Lamp 400 Watt. I would say the 400 watt hps will be enough light for the grow space. You may want to invest in light movers. This is foxfarm feeding Dont forget timers and ph meter, temp gauge/hum gage. I would personally go with a can33 filter. I think that covers most of your questions, I dont know enough about MH bulbs to make a recomendation, I do know you will need a conversion bulb. My question is if your just moving out do you have the will power to not talk about your grow with friends and not show them? Lose lips sink ships.


Amen to that, newbieneedshelp. That is the absolute first lesson that any grower should learn, loose lips sink ships... or more, "if you talk a lot, you can't grow pot"... and, "A trained nose knows grows"... (odor control is also very important)
As for your equipment, go for a good high quality 400W switchable ballast. Use a metal halide for veg growth and switch to HPS for flower. Get a reflector that can be air cooled along with an inline fan that will pull more air than you think you will need to. Soil is important, Foxfarm has an excellent reputation for both their soil mixes and nutrients. Indeed there will be many small things you'll need to purchase along the way, but that's sorta fun. Glad to hear that you're willing to put the time and money in to start right.


Active Member
first of all hw many plants u thinking of growing.the wattage u buy will depend on this.a closet that size i wouldnt suggest going higher than a 4oo watt cos of the heat.

if u guna go for it and money is no worry, try get a duel ballast then u can run mh bulb during veg then hps bulb during flowering.

as an exhaust fan u could use either an inline fan which will go inbetween ur flex duct or cheaper option just grab a bathroom extract fan, stick it inside your box so air pulls out then through carbon filter on outside.