First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
drench the crap out of them, on the tops of the leaves, underneath, and about an hour later, do it again, you will loose your plants unless they start eating. basically the nute spray is like an IV drip for your plant, it absorbs nutes right into where it an start using them.


Well-Known Member
aight for sure... Im not loosing my babies... going to feed right when I get home for work and drench those girls... Ill up pics when I'm done, wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
good luck my boy!!!!!!the will got some soldiers on ya hands..some hungry soldiers. but soldiers nonetheless
holla BBBF


Well-Known Member
lol... just got back home... I went to see cloverfield, that movie was crazy, I liked it quite a bit. The babies look about the same.

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
you'll see the most progression overnight... if this doesnt work its onto the drawing board, but we'll see. i'm pretty confident in myself :-P


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that theyll like it... They drank alot less then I thought they would, assuming cause the soil was still somewhat moist.


Well-Known Member
word big homie... Ill update you wit some pics tomorrow? any certain type of pics u want me to take or just some general shittt???

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
just get some more general pix, maybe a couple pics of the dying leaves, and the grow tops, make sure you turn off your HPS light and use the flash of the camera, or some alternat white lighting, the HPS rays mess with the colors, so its hard to tell which way the plants are going.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics right after I sprayed em with some nutes... sorry for the water drops :cry:... Oh well hopefully it shows you what you wanna see... I cant snap more pics in a bit after the water goes away if you want...

p.s. these are all with the hps turned off

group shot



Getting taller

Some of the ladies



More stem action

Poor baby


Top 2

Top 3

One more time


Problem 2

Problem 3

Water :)

One more group

Lemme know what you think, I can take more specific pics if needed for diagnostic, or fun? lol hit me up!


Well-Known Member
They seemed to really like the spraying I gave them, its almost all sucked up. and it was only like an hour ago... Should I douche them again? ;)


Active Member
They look like they are doing better now since we flushed them! They look like they're getting their health back :mrgreen: Im excited to see them once the flowering process starts.:joint:


Well-Known Member
They spray solution is currently at full strength... still think I should spray them constantly? Just got home from work... they are dry... want me to hit up some pics?

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
you need to spary with a half strength solution, you run the risk of burning your plants. like I said, check your plants every hour, and then spray them, YOU CANNOT OVERSPRAY, as long as your using half strength solution, do not feed a full strength, not even one and a while, only half strength... so what do you think, are they looking better?