First Grow, all organic soil. Necessary to flush??

I have some ladies late in flowering and ive been looking into how to flush properly but what ive read has sent me mixed messages. Is it necessary to flush if ive gone 100% organic from the start, including slow release ferts ie guano, bone meal,and compost?? all my books say too flush but i dont have any organic ones so i ask your opinions? also ive heard from growers in the past that organically grown tastes better BEACAUSE they
dont flush in result not washing away any taste 'good' or 'bad'....



Well-Known Member
You are not going to have any unwanted tastes in your bud from organic soil. I never flush, since I do grow in living soil you can never flush away everything that is in it. That being said I also wouldn't give it any extra teas or anything other than water and molasses the last two weeks. My idea of flushing is to water one last time and when she needs to be watered again, I harvest. Hope this helps, but just to satisfy your own mind if you have two plants, try flushing one and just go about your normal watering on the other until harvest. If you dry and cure it properly I don't think you will any difference in taste. Curing is the key to a good tasting smoke, IMHO. Best of Luck and keep it organic.


Well-Known Member
I have never found ´flushing´ to make any difference whatever - and I grow organically - but am often regarded as a heretic in these parts.


Well-Known Member
I have never found ´flushing´ to make any difference whatever - and I grow organically - but am often regarded as a heretic in these parts.
Spanishfly, say it ain't so........LOL we agree too often unless I too am a heretic


Well-Known Member
Good on yer canefan.

I only advise on things I have actually DONE. But you wouldn´t believe the flak I get from people who only quote what they have READ. Many of whom I don´t think have ever done a grow.
thats what i thought.. kinda one of the big reasons to go organic, taste, and
quality > quanitity

ive only fed them twice once during veg, once during flowering other then that my nutes were in the soil mix.. thanks for clearin that up there's alot of MISSinformation on here