First grow - Advice always welcome


Thought i would take some time and introduce what I have going on since i have used SO much information from this site.

Here is the Setup
80"x60" Walk in closet with reflective walls (24"x36" Grow Area) Have room for another tank when needed.
240W LED Grow light running 20-4
6 Site Aeroponics system in Large (45Gal) Storage Tote with 10 Gallon Sump Tank (No standing water in main tank)
Running 1-4 Timer for Misters
3" Net pots with Neoprene Collars
Rockwool Grow Medium

Using Holland Secret Nutes (3 Stage) Following mix instruction using 1/3 of Bloom to keep PPM Down during Veg.
Adding Nitrogen and CalMag as needed. Current PPM 1150. PH at 6.0. Keeping PH between 5.5 and 6.6.
Keeping room temp at about 72 and Water at 68-70. Having to use water chiller to keep temp down even though we are only using a 300GPH pump.

Started with 10 seeds, Germinated in Rockwool. Of the Ten only 6 popped that were healthy. All still alive and growing good.
Currently plants are 8 weeks into Veg and range from 8"-14" Tall. No sign of sexing yet according to my eyes. Will post pics later.

On aero system currently have Min 10" max 15" between main stock of plants. Not sure if this is too close, may have to reconfigure if it gets too crowded.

No genealogy on plants, Used random seeds collected over time for trial and error grow. Have 2 strains coming from Nirvanashop for next grow. F1 Hybrid Snow White (White Widow strain) and Blue Mystic (gonna experiment with different temperatures to bring out blue hues)
Other members of house hold getting their cards so once everything is Kosher we will be bumping up to 45 Plants (Incl Growing Plants, Clones, Seedlings and Mothers). End game is to be self sustaining producing multiple strains.

Will post updates and Pictures as things progress. Start-up pics coming soon. Hopefully I didn't miss anything.

If any of you experienced growers have some advice or notice that i am doing something wrong please speak up, Trying to absorb as much information as i can.


Looks like those were the last pictures before we start Flowering. Shut off the lights last night at 6. Turning them back on tomorrow morning at 6 then moving to 12-12 light schedule.
Gonna be switching Nutes a week after lights.


Plants got to see the light this morning. Was surprised at how much new growth there was after only 36 hrs in the dark. Tons of new inner growth happening along with a couple inches of height.
Switching Nutes Sunday along with weekly measurement. Will post then.


Get to post Finally. Work has been crazy busy and getting busier. My partner/brother is getting some quality alone time with the plants since i am off to Florida for work for the next 2 weeks. When i left this morning the plants were looking great as usual.
Currently ranging from 12-18" or so
All plants are starting to show sex on multiple Nodes. Magnifine glass en route so we can determine early. Will have some nice pictures to post when i get back home!!!
Switched the Nutes yesterday. No burn this morning with 890 PPM.
Also will be posting another thread for the second grow room tonight. Stay tuned!


More exciting news. First, Identified plant number 6 today as female.
Also the one we thought was male was misidentified. What were originally thought as pollen sacks turned out to be a new slow growing leaf formation. Pistils identified and we have 6 legit females! Lady luck is on our side, 6 random bag seeds all female!
Also you may notice in the pictures that the plant stalks are bending. Plants have been trained that way to maximize lighting, seems to be working pretty well.

Bumped PPM up to 1150 and have been foliage feeding regularly.
Can really tell how much new growth there is when you compare todays pictures to the ones 7 days ago.


<--- I'm the brother Posting from same account. Just wanted to mention how on one of the pics, the plant on the front right is bent. I was messing around with LST to see how that worked and as you can see it did pretty well, brought the stem out a bit which allowed the light to penetrate a bit deeper (which i believe in general is what LST is for, spreading the plant out for light). I did get a bit crazy on the back left one ( can't see it in the pics ) and it snapped a little over 50% of the stem, but its recovering well and becoming a large knuckle. After looking at the plants this morning all 6 have pistils, seems pretty lucky, so just crossing my fingers nothing goes wrong lol. I had thought i saw spore pods on one earlier, but i think they were just small slow growing leaf formations coming out in an abnormal spot compared to the rest.
Running 1200 ppm flowering
PH goes 5.9-6.3 usually
water temp 68-71 degrees
room temp 69-73 degrees


Lets see if it lets me post today...

Changed the water from beginging bloom nutes to bloom/ripen (according to the bottle that is). Also, added Big Bud to the mix this time around. Last water change was done 14 days ago, from veg nutes to begining bloom, and the lights were flipped to flowering 5 days before that. That puts us 19 days into flowering and the pistils are everywhere. There is still one spot i am watching that might be a pod, idk, probably just lookin at it too much.

After Nute Change:

PPM 1160 will probably bring that up a bit slowly, just watching the plants for a day or two to see how they react to the new ratios.
PH 5.7 our PH tends to raise slowly, so i just left that where it was. normally its kept around 5.9-6.3

We are still using the original 240w LED light, but i did add a 90w all red to assist /w flowering.


New updated pictures.

In the last three pictures, you can see the break i talked about earlier, its not doing to bad.


Some more updated pictures. Seems they are still stretching a bit. They got a trim today as well, increasing airflow at the base of the plantss


Been too long. Super busy month! Finally home to see the girls though. New Pictures below.
As you can see the plants are pretty well into flowering. Hoping to harvest in the next couple weeks as we need the grow space. Trichs are almost all clear. Saw our first cloudy ones the other day.
Tallest in the bunch is right at 3'. Just did our last Nute mixture, next will be just plain old water changed daily to flush the plants.
Make sure to check out our other room here.



Plants were chopped last weekend. Here are some pics now that i have a bit of time. More to come along with rating and yield