First Grow!! 5 strains


Im new to Rollitup this is my first grow:hump:
Here are some pics I planted last sunday sprouted Monday
Big Bang,The Church,Dutch Cheese, Haze Auto and Roadrunner Auto
Im using Roots Organic soil and Ive been using General Organics Bioroot everyother watering which is like once but will continue to use I also bought some GO Biothrive grow. Not to sure when to start using opinions would be appreciated I will post more when i see some changes. How do you think they are coming along for not even a week old?



Well-Known Member
U shouldnt need nutes for about 3-4 weeks if u got good soil. Also, be aware that since u are growing 5 diff strains, they may all require a different level of nutrients and u will have to adjust your feedings based on plant response in each strain. This can sometimes be tricky for a new grower.


Roots Organic,This soil is amended with bat guano, premium earth worm castings, fish bone meal, feather meal, green sand, mycorrihzae, glacial rock dust, soybean meal, humic acid, and many more. Already blended with correct proportions of perlite and pumice.
coco fiber-based. Ive only used my Bioroot once for all plants, half the recommended dose. I also have Biothrive grow and CaMg+ (natural source of Calcium and Magnesium). Thanx for the heads up before I start the nutes in 3 to 4 weeks. Ill keep a close eye :shock:


Well-Known Member
Doesnt look like anything to concerning.. maybe got burned if water drop was on while lights were on... but nothing serious nonetheless


So its been 10 days since they popped up into this world. Its been 3 days since last watering, not really sure when to water. I have my bioroot, calmag+,and biogrow not sure when to use my calmag+ and bioroot. Just wait till Veg?



Its been 24 hours I see great side growth but the main stem hasnt really moved towards the light at all, Ill give it some more time :sleep:
First pic is from yesterday.
