First Grow 357 Mag LED x2 + 1000HPS SCROG + Advanced Nutes & CalMag (6 Plants)


Well-Known Member
Today was a much better day... I've got some Gage Green's Colombian Gold & ACE's Double Thai from an auction along with ordering a few Buddha Tahoe OG from Cali Connection on the way. Cant wait! AND I found tons of pistils today. I'm definitely not freaking out quite as much. I thought they would never come, lol.

I went ahead and put the air line in the bucket, but she's in desperate need of the UFO I ordered. I apologize for not getting the penetrator 84x-pro, but I found a Pro-Grow (cree) 90w led for 179 bucks, that 160w UVB lamp & the 8 bubble bags for less than the penetrator. I will get one someday, but I'm a bit low on funds lately.


I think she looks a bit off, but whatever. Does being a mutant change anything besides aesthetics? This is the NL x Blueberry (I have named her Serenity) @ 2 wks from seed


Well-Known Member
So I had to do some serious re-adjusting over the weekend again which is serious pain in the ass because it's like a fkin jungle in there now. The largest cola on the Strawberry Cough grew right into the HPS so I tried to weigh her down a bit and train her sideways. It worked great until I got back from lunch and she was bent at a 90 degree angle... I put a little splint on her made out of zip ties and a small section of wire from a coat hanger and within a few hours she was already back up and growing straight towards the light so I very carefully weighed her down again. This was all on Friday and by Saturday she was already hitting the glass again so I rotated the entire bucket so that the biggest cola was now growing up towards the LED that I had to raise by 8" but by then the second largest cola was already almost hitting the glass so I trained her down a bit.

I've learned another lesson this week... I need to set up my reservoir system because I can't change out my water anymore because the roots are too big and I can't lift the plant high enough to get the roots into another bucket. I guess I'm going to have to siphon the water out from this point forward which is going to blow.

These are my ladies @ 2 weeks into flowering/6 weeks since transplanted

My poor Pineapple Chunk is getting bullied into the corner, but she's my least favorite so it's okay, I guess.

Strawberry Cough @ 6weeks.JPGExile @ 6 weeks.JPGGarden 2 @ 6weeks.JPGGarden @ 6 weeks.JPGMonster @ 6weeks.JPGPineapple Chunk2 @ 6 weeks.JPGPineapple Chunk @ 6 weeks.JPG

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shaping up a treat fella. hps & LED for a first grow is pretty interesting. looks like it's working out great though. i'd hear light waves don't overlap but i guess different spectrum probably does?!


Well-Known Member
shaping up a treat fella. hps & LED for a first grow is pretty interesting. looks like it's working out great though. i'd hear light waves don't overlap but i guess different spectrum probably does?!
I'm glad someone finally said something because I've been wondering. I know that a photon is a funny little fucker that can be in two places at once, but I don't know how they react with one another on different wavelengths. I know a photon is both a particle AND a wave, but I don't know how overlapping two different wavelengths/particles would affect the photosynthesis if they could share a space. If you find out more on this, plz let me know.

Oh, and my 160w UVB came in yesterday. I just have to get a socket and wire for it and I'll hook that baby up and post results. It supposedly puts out 2700 microwatts @ 5" compared to the sun's here @ 220 microwatts. I'll probably just run it for a couple hours/day because I have no idea what the intensity would be like @ 16-24"

First signs of buds on Strawberry Cough :D

lil baby nug.jpg

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Here is a brief description of what's going on with light:

Two or more waves traveling in the same medium travel independently and can pass through each other. In regions where they overlap we only observe a single disturbance. We observe interference. When two or more waves interfere, the resulting displacement is equal to the vector sum of the individual displacements. If two waves with equal amplitudes overlap in phase, i.e. if crest meets crest and trough meets trough, then we observe a resultant wave with twice the amplitude. We have constructive interference. If the two overlapping waves, however, are completely out of phase, i.e. if crest meets trough, then the two waves cancel each other out completely. We have destructive interference.


join the 600 club ;) . the guys are sound and know their shit ;) i asked them bout it this morning. that's the reply i got.

I'm looking to add UVB to my present setup very soon there's a few decent threads about it on here but not much true testing. i was thinking about moving the time it's on through the hours of the day like, the peak of the sun moves through the day.



Well-Known Member
Awesome. I'd like to see how yours turn out, too. I really wasn't expecting an answer, much less so soon. Thanks, man! I'll definitely check it out.


Well-Known Member
I got the UV bulb up & running. I'm just going to run it for the full 12 hours because I figure if it's made for plant "growth, maintenance, & bloom," it can't hurt to leave it on but mostly

just because I don't have another timer, lol.

UFO still hasn't come.... getting anxious.

I'm having to train almost all my colas because they're hitting the HPS. Is there something I can spray on them or feed them that will help protect them from the light being so close? What do you do if your babies are like 3" away from a 1000w HPS and it can't possibly go any higher and they can't be trained any lower?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Look up supercropping. Gently pinch and bend the stems over, they'll form knuckles and grow sideways a while. Forces the growth auxins to the lower shoots so they grow an catch up to the previously taller colas.

Watch the uvb doesn't scorch ya babies ;)


Well-Known Member
Look up supercropping. Gently pinch and bend the stems over, they'll form knuckles and grow sideways a while. Forces the growth auxins to the lower shoots so they grow an catch up to the previously taller colas.

Watch the uvb doesn't scorch ya babies ;)
I'm familiar with the technique, but I'm scared of breaking them and I thought it was strictly for veg only?

If it's safe, that would totally help me. What sort of angle would I want to bend them @? Is 90 degrees too much?


Well-Known Member
I'm familiar with the technique, but I'm scared of breaking them and I thought it was strictly for veg only?

If it's safe, that would totally help me. What sort of angle would I want to bend them @? Is 90 degrees too much?
It's safe in bloom too, you just need to be careful not to snap them completely. What I do is I rub both sides of the stem where I want to make the bend....that makes the stem's fiber a little softer, then i take my thumb and index finger and gently start to pinch and bend making sure to not bend too fast....if you hear snapping then back off and pinch lighter. Once at a 75-90 degree angle, I then tie a support line to the wall to ensure it doesn't fall downward.


Well-Known Member
It's safe in bloom too, you just need to be careful not to snap them completely. What I do is I rub both sides of the stem where I want to make the bend....that makes the stem's fiber a little softer, then i take my thumb and index finger and gently start to pinch and bend making sure to not bend too fast....if you hear snapping then back off and pinch lighter. Once at a 75-90 degree angle, I then tie a support line to the wall to ensure it doesn't fall downward.
Awesome, thanks. I will work on that today and post some pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
These are pics of my first attempt @ training and some other random shit. In the far right pic you can see the UVB bulb I attached and I threw in the flourescent bulb I was using for Serenity just for the hell of it.

Exile Baby Bud.jpgSC Training1.jpgSC Training3.jpgTraining 2.jpgErrbody.jpg

Pineapple Chunk is actually the girl with the smallest root bundle, but she's the most accessible and I can't even get close to lifting the others out. I'll post better root pics @ harvest

Heathy Roots - PC.jpg

Finally got the UFO up! I also removed the mutated leaves because they were blocking all the light to the newest healthy ones.

NL Blue.jpgNL Blue2.jpg

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
see what you mean about being close to the light! looks like you've got the pinch n bend thing down. by the time those branches are full of bud your going to be pushing it for space for sure. you could tie each branch down with string to the pots or maybe get some netting nd tie the whole lot down scrog style

lookin good tho man