First grow. 2 x 400w, mystery bagseed. YAY!


Well-Known Member
thanks man :) they are pretty arent they? :) well i did LST most of them and alittle pruning to help new growth to join the canopy.
the closest one on the left was FIM'ed but i must have done something wrong cus its maybe half the size of the rest.

other than that it seems they are gonne be pretty decent yielders.. atleast i hope so :)

let me know when you got a journal going and ill sub for sure :)


Active Member
Those girls are gonna make you happy! They look nice and healthy. Hope you correct the water problem your having, doesn't look like it's affecting them too bad anymore from the pictures. Keep it up hombre!


Well-Known Member
small update today, i gave them all a hardcore dosage of nutes yesterday and wow they shot up tonight.
we are now 8 days into flowering and the future colas are growing quickly. anlso.. its getting fucking crowded allready haha

also my motherplant is growing very nice and bushy, i think i picked the right pheno :)


Well-Known Member
ye i hope so, still over 7 weeks to go so dont want any problems yet :p btw how long into flowering do they continue to stretch? lol 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
well my timelapse project didnt go quite as planned.. the idea was having the camera at the exact same location at the same angle throughout flowering.. but theese bitches has grown so huge they started eating the camera.. so the timelapse video will not turn out as cool as intended due to the move.

other than that they are looking great, gave them some epsom salt today aswell, 1 tsp per gallon aprox and will give them again around day 35 of flowering.
they are still dropping a few leafs at the bottom all the time but does not look like its spreading so i assume its all a part of its lifecycle as they dont get much light down there.

i did a cloning test for about 10 days ago just to see if i could get it too root, until now i havent seen any root come out of the medium so i picked it apart too see. and only 4-5 roots with about 1 cm length had emerged.. i have no idea why it was so slow.. i cut it 45 degree angle, tore of some of the "skin at the stem and dipped it good in clonex and put it in a premade hole in the medium ( 50%perlite,50% potting soil).
been under humidity dome the entire time wich have been misted a few times a day and been given fresh air each time before misting.
any ideas why it could be so slow? the mother is looking awesome aswell.. coolest plant ive ever seen. no stress or anything.

will update soon with a few pictures of the ladies that has been flowering for 2 weeks now and also the mother.


Active Member
Really need some better cameras for my shit as well. At least you got some roots to come out of the clone, not sure how to do it yet I haven't tried much cloning. I see lots of clones around at the meetings I goto; I'll ask the guys what their preferred methods are. Sounds like you making good progress keep it up dude!


Active Member
They dont look like they in day 35 to me , what nute have you been giving your plants .
Maybe increase the your dosage .
Dont mean to be rude or nowt but they looking ABIT imature for almost 5 weeks flower


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. sry been quiet lately. here is a quick update on them.

"growing like fuck!"... that just about sums it up.

bud porn
