first grow, 1 month into veg.


Well-Known Member
im about to go take pics, then tomorrow ill have a couple more to compare ( day and night) i swear its sativa by day, indica by night. lol..
i know this is the most STUPIDEST questions ever. but i have to ask it lol
by the looks of the plant and the lights im using, is it more than likley ill get around an oz. from her?


Well-Known Member
i know but this being just one single plant and all. its only about 10 inches tall
but its growin about an inch a day no lie man. she getts bushhhyy!!
just cant wait to see the harvestttt


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.
Cheers for the reply 'MR Green Thumb', i'll try to keep you posted once shes budding.
Mine probably does the same as yours. The leaves droop at night and stand up strong with the light. Some would say its the way you water (overwatering) but i know that i dont overwater, so it'll just be the strand mate.
Show us a pic dude!!


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah seems like it. Instead of attaching the full pic why dont you decrease the pixels and the image size to 600x400. Seems to download quick as.


Well-Known Member
well i dont really know how to do that or i gladdly would, my parents came to my house today, check up on me and to say hello,
and my dad found my plant.
i thought he was going to kill me but he didnt mind too much, he made me dig it up. but its back in the ground now and growin again, it also seems to me that ive got a few preflowers, SHE might be a HE, but its been getting about 16 hrs of light a day so i doubt its preflowers. haha im just getting a little excited :D


Well-Known Member
Gee that was a close one then aye. I remember the day i came home once (when i was living at my parents) and dad found my plants while doing the lawns, haha. Mum had them sitting on the bench for when i got home, she then placed them all down the garbage disposal unit in the sink while i was standing right infront of her, lol. They soon get over it, plus i know my parents use to do the same thing when they were my age. haha.
When you get a chance take a pic of the nodes and we'll see if its f or m. chees.


Well-Known Member
yeah he told me i must have got a really good seed because i had a "keeper"
and its worth alot.

oh yeah he robbeb house with his parents when he was my age.