First full organic progress


Well-Known Member
Good progress, stretch is over.
I do see some leaves showing P deficiencies. So I'll bump up my amount next batch of soil I amend.
I did drop bone meal into my tea 2 days ago and top dressed everyone. Hopefully that catches it. I may start another tea tonight. The maui well I should have too dressed 2 weeks in a row at flip, bit she's in a smaller container too so my own fault. I have another one in a 7 gal that's same age as my other 2 plants I flipped she's just not growing much and I need her to have more height.the other one gave me like 5" of stretch so I'm gunna have so low yield. The other 2 I flipped sure I could have gone 2 more weeks of veg for more height bit they were 2x as tall already at flip vs the maui I still have in veg



Well-Known Member
Well shit the ridiculously dense colas on my maui got nailed with rot (hard to get tent into upper 30s for rh even with the dehuey). Trashed 3 main tops . Took her down to be sure I don't lose more. She was literally down in the next day or 2. I'll try pointing a fan at the next lady flowering later on. Bit the buds I did salvage are pretty. And dense as fuck.

My g13 I'm pulling in a day or 2 looks awesome for one of my first full round living soil grows. Got 2 more to up pot today

