First Fogponics Grow


Active Member
Alright so this is going to be the first entry of documenting my first grow. I am doing an auto-flowering Blue Mystic.

More to come shortly after I finish the last parts to my install and setup.

Feed back will be much appreciated as I go through this.


Active Member
Just like with this 2nd post, before I do something I will post here to see what people think.

For my germination I am going to be placing 2 seeds in the wet paper towels in darkness method, then I will transplant them into some grow-dan squares.

I doubt if I have the grow room for more than 2 plants for now so til I can determine how big the plants will grow, I am stopping at 2. But I do have the ability to do 4 at a time.


Active Member
the pictures are as follows:
1, the nutrients that I am going to use.
2, 1 of the types if lights I'm using for vegetation
3, my setup
4, my space im going to block from light to germinate
5, my setup
6, my setup
7, 2 plants i moved into my new light setup
8, plants I transplanted from my soil to test out the fog system
9, again, just some peppers to test the system
10, the peppers I started with from soil
11, basil, cilantro, jalapenos


Active Member
Rather than the paper towel method, I decided to go straight in to some gro-dan. PH Balanced, no nutes. Left a little bit of water in the bottom for the grodan to soak up should it need it. Putting the lid on these bad boys and I'll check them in 24 hours.

The only thing I'm not sure about is whether to do darkness or light, going to do some research and find out real quick.


Active Member
light doesnt matter until they have grown leaves, reason : photosynthesis does not happen until leaves are present. So I stuck them at the top of the closet. They'll get light, but not direct.


New Member
Subbed.... I guess LOL.

The paper towel method would have been faster. IMO the growdon it way to soaked, you really want the moisture and not so much the water.

I take a plastic Tupperware container(With Lid) and put the paper towels in there, moist the towel, so there's barely run off water, throw the seeds in there. Put the lid on and put it in my drawr wrapped in a shirt. They do good with warmth. And once there tap root is atleast a half inch long then I'd plant them.

Good job bro let's grow some fuckin pot!


New Member
The problem you'll run into is how you will know when the seed has cracked? When will you need to induce light? And is the seed drownding in the growdon?

Also, I read that Growdon should be submurged in water for 24 hours before it's used. Could be bacteria in them. Keep it coming


Active Member
I can see the seed when looking closely.

You've read wrong, you only need to presoak them with PH balanced water til they are full (about 5 minutes).

If I was worried about microbacteria I wouldn't be using grow stones, aka lava stones, I would have bleached my closet inside and out and would do that once a week as well.


Active Member
The problem you could run in to with paper towels is 1, drowning them. 2, pulling the seed apart when handling it after it has sprouted in the towel.

To me it just sounds more natural to do it with the grodan.


New Member
Read wrong? Just cause I don't take classes on Cooking?

I don't see what five minutes would do. But, it should work none the less. I was saying what I have done, and worked for me.

Despite what anyone says, paper towel is the least harmful way to germinate seeds. IMO


Well-Known Member
Very creative use of a humidifier. I tried fog using pond foggers in an aero system, overheated the nutes. Bad result. Curious to see how you do. Kudos on the set up

Seed Germ drop in water, maybe a COUPLE grains of sea salt, out in dark area check. Vibrant seeds will pop in 24 hours. Older seeds usually 48-72


Active Member
thanks, I got the idea from a video I watched where a 14 year old kid made the same setup for his pet iguanas.

I was doing a lot of reading on those pond foggers and while I didn't see anything about overhearing nutes, the foggers themselves would die from the amount of time we use them.

Thanks to Walgreens for their awesome warranty, I believe I can take this back up to 3 months with a receipt. Not sure exactly. But I don't foresee any problems with it mechanically.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention, nutrients are heavier than fog, most won't make it out of the solution, meaning poor growth &/or deficiencies.

The problem with pond foggers is they cannot handle much more than 250 ppms. I learned this the hard way

Check out my grow thread for Plan B


Active Member
Ill have to check it out later today when I get to a computer.

So I'll have to do some research.. I am thinking if I boil my water with the nutes and then use it, it will dissolve better for 1and 2 it will be sterile.


New Member
Right so.. I was going to tell you... Boiling the food will take a lot of the nutrients away, whether it be the salts or the fat in the food(the stuff that they feed off of) if they don't have any of that, You might as well give them water. Because it will do the same.

Flora idk if you had this problem too, but I talked to Al about foggers and this is what he said:

I've tried some piezoelectric foggers in an aero setup. Found that the piezo diaphragms tend to crust up with nute salts after a few weeks. I cleaned them with a toothbrush from time to time, but nute salts and the acidity of nute solutions were their eventual undoing. I went back to creating my aero mist with bubble curtains driven by air pumps.

Basically what he's saying is from the salt build up the piezo diaphragms didn't work properly, and sooner or later the salt was not removable. They do make CERTAIN foods for foggers for that reason(and many others) but I have yet to find any


Active Member
pictures 1 : Prospective light bulbs (3), full spectrum, 75 run for budding
Picture 2 : The new setup, I replace one of the 1 quart containers with a 3 when I go to california in a couple days I won't have to worry about anyone having to check on a feed my plants. I also put in a space heater in the middle of the 2 to increase the overall temperature. As well as a fan at the top of the closet.
pictures 3 : The left bucket (still have my peppers and herbs growing in there...really nice
Picture 4 : The right plant


New Member

Excellent choice on lighting bro.

Those won't get very hot and save you a lot on electricity.
I'm glad you're taking the seeds I gave you seriously LOL! Should be a good run.

Oh and I get it, going to CA and didn't invite me.. I get it