I am gonna do this for the first time tonight. I did all my research but i still am wondering if i should chug an entire 8 oz bottle, bout 700 mg total. I have a naturally high tolerance for drugs, so i think i should. For example, i took 2 generic vicodin the other day and felt nothing. Any advice.
I'm with the other people that say drink 1/2.
Unless you took those vics on an empty/almost empty stomache while you were drinkin', then those vics shouldn't make you feel anything anyway.
I wouldn't do DXM. It's fun for some but you have to like the feeling of being completely smashed. i.e great lose of motor skills, trouble speaking, trouble thinking, and probably throwing up... in fact I just threw up some DXM last night before I was able to get it down
For real, dawg? How much dxm are you takin, and from what source? Switching sources can make the experience different.
Depends on how much DXM you take, and what your tolerance is.
- Loss of motor skills, yes and no. There's a big gap between walking like a robot and just being able to lay on the couch because your head feel detached.
- Trouble speaking, yes and no again.
- Trouble thinking, no. Never have I had a problem thinking on DXM. I convinced myself that once I had figured out the meaning of life.
- I think probably puking is an exaggeration. Once you figure out which source your body handles best, and the right dose for your body puking isn't a worry; especially if you eat some dramamine / smoke up to control nausea.
Just so I don't sound like capt. hardass. I puked the other week. Took the gel cap 100% dxm capsules for the first time and my dumbass didn't count on the gel caps being obviously more easily dissolvable than the "hard candy" CCCs that I'm used to. Didn't matter, I puked and still had to dance when I moved to prevent robot walking.