first dose of lsd ever


Active Member
I took my first dose of LSD like 5 days ago. i still haven't been able to wrap my mind around what i was feeling and thinking it was awesome. im very interested in ethnobotany and psychoactive plants and what not so this was a blast. next time thought im going to take two hits and have a day trip thanks for listening lol :-o:-o:eek:

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Nice ... collect your marbles please and tell us more about your experience ...
Ahh there is something fantastic about a well written virgin tale.
Thanks for posting



Well-Known Member
I haven't tripped acid in a long time. Well, its been 5 years.. actually it will be exactly 5 years this coming May. Yeah, last time I tripped (which was also unforgettable) was back in 2006. Went to the 'Memphis in May' thing they have every year.. plus they were having 'DUB Magazine' and they did a car show and all that... was a blast! Turned out kinda bad in the end.. but eh, what can ya do.. shit happens for a reason.

Just turned 29 this month and my wish is to trip one more time before I hit the big three zero next year.. after I hit the age of 30 I don't want to do anything but smoke bud; go to work; come home; go to gym; go back home and smoke again; take a shower; cook something for dinner, chill and watch tv.. and finally.. go to bed... and not necessarily in that order. ;)

but yeah.. I'd like to trip with someone again. The two times I've tripped in my life.. both times I was with someone. Never tripped alone and don't think I want to try it. I just don't have the right hook ups.. errr well, I just thought of someone actually but, the problem is.. is he's a really good friend of mine. Grew up with the guy.. dudes a cool cat. We even ended up playing on the same soccer teams all throughout junior high and high school.. was weird. But yeah he smokes the good just like I do. In fact, he was the one that introduced me to kb strains. anyhow, getting off subject.. sorry. Yeah, I wonder if he would know.. because I know the people who he gets his smoke from. The Asian brothers.. I know both of them but I don't know them like my buddy does. But yeah, I bet they know where I could get a little. Just thought of that...

anyhow, have a nice trip! ;)


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight ... you want to dose one more time ... but after that ... you are willing to give up on psychedelics ... and
conform to a routine .. as per ...

Just turned 29 this month and my wish is to trip one more time before I hit the big three zero next year.. after I hit the age of 30 I don't want to do anything but smoke bud; go to work; come home; go to gym; go back home and smoke again; take a shower; cook something for dinner, chill and watch tv.. and finally.. go to bed... and not necessarily in that order.
The funny thing about Lucy ... is that she kinda picks you ... and once she is in your life ... for real ... and feels invited ...
U wish she'd stays for life.

So you might steer clear ... if you are serious about your convictions.



Well-Known Member
stamps definitely changed my perspectives on life... made me look at everything differently - both good and bad

there's a reason its dosed in micrograms



Active Member
I haven't tripped acid in a long time. Well, its been 5 years.. actually it will be exactly 5 years this coming May. Yeah, last time I tripped (which was also unforgettable) was back in 2006. Went to the 'Memphis in May' thing they have every year.. plus they were having 'DUB Magazine' and they did a car show and all that... was a blast! Turned out kinda bad in the end.. but eh, what can ya do.. shit happens for a reason.

Just turned 29 this month and my wish is to trip one more time before I hit the big three zero next year.. after I hit the age of 30 I don't want to do anything but smoke bud; go to work; come home; go to gym; go back home and smoke again; take a shower; cook something for dinner, chill and watch tv.. and finally.. go to bed... and not necessarily in that order. ;)

but yeah.. I'd like to trip with someone again. The two times I've tripped in my life.. both times I was with someone. Never tripped alone and don't think I want to try it. I just don't have the right hook ups.. errr well, I just thought of someone actually but, the problem is.. is he's a really good friend of mine. Grew up with the guy.. dudes a cool cat. We even ended up playing on the same soccer teams all throughout junior high and high school.. was weird. But yeah he smokes the good just like I do. In fact, he was the one that introduced me to kb strains. anyhow, getting off subject.. sorry. Yeah, I wonder if he would know.. because I know the people who he gets his smoke from. The Asian brothers.. I know both of them but I don't know them like my buddy does. But yeah, I bet they know where I could get a little. Just thought of that...

anyhow, have a nice trip! ;)

No offense but you're coming off like one of them boys..

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I haven't tripped acid in a long time. Well, its been 5 years.. actually it will be exactly 5 years this coming May. Yeah, last time I tripped (which was also unforgettable) was back in 2006. Went to the 'Memphis in May' thing they have every year.. plus they were having 'DUB Magazine' and they did a car show and all that... was a blast! Turned out kinda bad in the end.. but eh, what can ya do.. shit happens for a reason.

Just turned 29 this month and my wish is to trip one more time before I hit the big three zero next year.. after I hit the age of 30 I don't want to do anything but smoke bud; go to work; come home; go to gym; go back home and smoke again; take a shower; cook something for dinner, chill and watch tv.. and finally.. go to bed... and not necessarily in that order. ;)

but yeah.. I'd like to trip with someone again. The two times I've tripped in my life.. both times I was with someone. Never tripped alone and don't think I want to try it. I just don't have the right hook ups.. errr well, I just thought of someone actually but, the problem is.. is he's a really good friend of mine. Grew up with the guy.. dudes a cool cat. We even ended up playing on the same soccer teams all throughout junior high and high school.. was weird. But yeah he smokes the good just like I do. In fact, he was the one that introduced me to kb strains. anyhow, getting off subject.. sorry. Yeah, I wonder if he would know.. because I know the people who he gets his smoke from. The Asian brothers.. I know both of them but I don't know them like my buddy does. But yeah, I bet they know where I could get a little. Just thought of that...

anyhow, have a nice trip! ;)

I couldn't help but think of this when you said asian brothers selling smoke


Well-Known Member
my boy just dropped 3tabs the other day for his first time, guess he got sold little pieces of paper bc he felt nothing. glad i didnt drop $ on that one