first day of flowering


Active Member

This is my first grow and as of yesterday I changed my light cycle to 12/12. I hoping that i did not wait to long. What are the chances my plants will tripple in size? If they tripple im doomed. If they double in size im golden. Also, how long whould it take before i see flowering?

Here is a picture of my setup with plants first day of 12/12

Here are the white widow plants up close.



Well-Known Member
bump to the night crew.bongsmilie
LOL...thats have some nice plants there should see some hairs in 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 weeks..this is the part that takes the ost time and it will kill u..i know im on my first grow and 5weeks in i cant wait...they shouldnt get to out of hand and if they do "TIE THAT BITCH DOWN" know what i mean? that what i did...what strain? nutes? good luck and peace:mrgreen::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
how long did you veg for? how high is your grow room? or atleast how high can they grow until they hit the light?


Active Member
Hey meangreen69 and calimedicated,

2.5 weeks! damn, i hope it doesnt take that long. ha. The strain is white widow :leaf: and im using earth grow nutes. Im not sure exatly how long they have been vegging because when i received them they were unrooted clones and so that took a while, and then the soil i used first did not allow for root growth so they were stunted... I transplanted them in new soil and they took off like crazy. As a result my vegging time is long, maybe 2 months? but 90 bercent of the growth has been in the last 20 days. they grew like over and inch yesterday lol. The grow room is 5'3" tall, the pots are 10" tall, and the plants are currently 12" - 18" the light is 400W but i have so much air pumping through it that it keeps relativeley cool. I think if light burn does not become a problem, i could brobably get within a few inches of the 6" cool tube. Im not sure how to properly bend a plant once the buds get too close to the light. Will it affect the buds in a negative way?

Thanks for the responses!



Well-Known Member
your on the right track. when you tie them down, dont tie the string too tite or it will cut of circulation. id use one string for the middle of the plant and one for the top. then lightly pull them away from the light and wrap the string around a screw that is in your wall or duct tape the string. i keep mine about 6-8inch from the cool tube, thats the beautie of the cool tube.

im think if you veg for around 2 months your gonna double for sure maybe even triple, just depends how the grow contiues. i started seeing flowering begin about a week into to. Im installing a CO2 tank tonight. cant wait to see what that does for them. My room is 6ft tall and the biggest ones are about 18" right now and thursday will be two weeks into flowering


Active Member
OK, cool, so maybe im not doomed lol. I was kind of hoping i wouldnt have to manipulate the plants much but oh well. C02 huh, thats bad ass, I decided to skip that the first time around because it exceeded my budget...


Well-Known Member
ya you have to add to your set up as you go. this is my third grow and the first one with real Co2. i was always using sugar, yeast and warm water. hit me up if you have any furthur questions.

remember pot is a weed, so for the most part they will still grow.


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking a plant will show sex within 8 weeks of it's life...some show sooner and other longer. My x-breed of white rhino and god bud all showed sex at week 5. Letting your plants get to preflower stage is always reccomended, at that time when you go to 12/12 it only takes days for the plants to bulk up.

My 9 week old plant i flowered one week ago, and on day 2 I had little buds everywhere, now it' day 7 and tricome development is well under way...there's a nice frosty coating.

Nice looking plants though...great job!


Active Member
Thanks Calimedicated :bigjoint: Yea, i was thinking of using those tablets they sell that when you add water to them they turn into c02 but i get so much air circulation that i figured it would be a waste.

Homegrownboy, My plants were budding clones when i received them and i had to revert them back to a vegative state. regardless, i think they have always displayed female traits, i think. When you say preflowering stage, its not induced right, you just mean at the point in maturity where they show sex? 2 days showing buds, thats super fast dude! Its been a couple days 12/12 and they have not done anything except slow growth lol. Thanks for the props! but they did not always look so good, i had serious problems at first. look here -


Active Member
Here is an update. My plants are getting large. I'm still hoping that i wont have to tie them down. I would prefer that they finish flowering without manipulation because this is my first grows and i want to keep it simple.

In this pic you can see that the plants fill at least if not more than half of the usable space.

This picture shows the 4-plant sea of green

Plants are beginning to flower :)

Here is another. Flowering is consistent from plant to plant.

Any Comments? bongsmilie

