First crop, I have a few questions


This is my first crop with five bubblegum, two Cali orange and one pit bull. I am vegging the bubblegum at 18 inch tall right now, cali orange at 12 inch and my smallest the pitbull at 8 inch! they are looking great! Except... My pit bull and Cali orange had a few spider mites so the top leaves are a tad bit spotted from those fuckers, thank god they are now gone or pretty much under control because I havnt seen any more mites since I've been treating it with neem oil and bombed them twice :) so because of it's possible stunted growth from the spider mites, how can I get them to catch up and take off lol my bubblegum is beautiful! And well the other three look alright but could be better. I am using all organic nutes have them on feed water feed cycle, seems to be going good so far. I'm also using a 1000 mh, temp 75, humidity, 40 s, and the ph is great. Is the plant just pretty much fucked once spider mites suck the life out of them?

Billy Piper

Active Member
I harvsted my last grow and i had a massive mite problem.
When i dried i placed lots of sticky tape around the top of the stem.
As it dried the mite left and got caught in the tape.
I had no crackle in my smoke.


Active Member
There isn't anything to help 'speed up' veg growth, just keep them happy and pest free they will do their thing.

But really I just wanted to post to ask for pics and info on that pitbull strain as you grow it. Have you thought about a grow journal? People can help you along the way if you have problems and I can lurk on your pitbull. Win win