finnally got a female


Active Member
my plants about 3 months old im just showing it off to see if im doing it right any tips u can give me ,my plant is currently flowering, i dont know if i should pluck some leaves of or prune it idk first time grower!?!?!?!?! im excited on it because the hairs on my plant are purple only the hairs



Active Member
yeah i thhought i did pretty good for my first time considering this is an outdoor hydro grow no lights just waterfarm nutes and sunlight.


Well-Known Member
Everything looks great..I'd leave all the leaves as they are...... why screw with a happy you flower more some lower leaves may yellow, then you can lightly pull them off....



Active Member
haha yeahhh i only kept the seeds that were from dank shit haha i only got like 7 seeds to mess around with,can u give me some advice on cloning and shit i want to clone her and what to use i have no clue on that?


Well-Known Member
im sorry to say but it is to late to clone from her once the plant has entered the flowering stage you can no longer clone, if you were goin to clone a plant i would buy some sort of rooting hormone ggel or powder, take a cuttin from the plant dip it in the hormone and stick it in a rockwool cube in a humiity dome, just remeber thatthe cuttings at this point are feeding through the leaves so mist them alot and in about a week you will have a nice clone with a healthy set of roots

this is what i do



Well-Known Member
there is a way i dont know the specifics for that tho you would have to ask one of the elites for that one but hey check out my growjournal


Well-Known Member
get a couple of clone right now!!!!!! you can re veg them will take a hile and they will look goofy for a bit but yes....yes can still clone...I will warn you though it's tougher to clone a flowering plant but you are still early in it now!....if you need help with a simple cloning setup go check my journal and feel free to ask any questions... btw +rep...beautiful girl bro


Well-Known Member
really i did not know that how can it be done id love to do that myself
same way you clone in I just takes longer and you end up putting the plant through a reveg period which makes it grow funny for a little can do it. I dont recommend doing it towards the end of flowering...but you can. also...if you do it in flowering I would recommend using the water method.


Well-Known Member
the water method is the one that uses water a opaque cup and indiresct sunlight like it says in the growfaq right


Well-Known Member
ok i definately will look just one more question when i take the cutting do put it right to 18/6 in my veg room or keep it at 1/12 till it sprouts roots??