Finishing in cooler climates


I haven't been able to find an answer to this. In cooler climates, are some strains able to finish outside more than others. When you deal with rain, grey days, etc,, will the change in the day/night cycles still get the plant to produce its buds?

I have a girl named daisy...pure afghan, only one I was able to get going this year. She is a strong girl, 5 feet high, very thick cola. A single. Kind've looks like Marg Simpson's

She is very healthy and still very green. I saw she was a female mid August. Its now nearing the end of October, and she's still very very healthy, but I'm not seeing what I should. Here are a few pictures that were taken this week. She is in a small green house and seems to be quite happy there.



Well-Known Member
yes there are strains that either finish before the first frost or are frost hardy. it looks like you have her in a green house so she should be fine just keep her warm at night.


Well-Known Member
I had some afghan similar to that one daisy.All leafs great big colas and smoked like an old dank cigar. It was my first grow and felt I'd been had by the seed seller. when it was curing in the mason jars it smelled like soap. I swear. Showgirl


Well-Known Member
What i see is a very leafy cola with small just forming buds. Now have those small buds been there long or just forming? i.e. how long has it been flowering for? not nesecarialy when it showed sex but when it started flowering.

I suppose climate and weather would have a lot to play with things plus how the greenhouse was for light and heat/humidity etc etc

My first thoughts are she should have finished flowering by now and be ready for harvest, Nov is a late harvest time but we got to factor in what kind of summer you have had and whats it been like temp and humidity wise in the greenhouse.

Plants will flower with less than 12/12 light, 18/6 dark to light will flower a marijuana plant although buds will be loose stretched and not very resinous and possibly a very late finisher so as long as 12 hours dark or more things are cool. Peace


Being a newbie...I did so many things wrong..but she is a healthy i am keeping her in the greenhouse and am going to see what happens. If need be, we will throw togethre a fast flower room, but I'd love for her to finish naturally. :-)


Well-Known Member
Yer dude she looks good reguardless and should at least yeild some bud.

Most places in my hemisphere have less than 12 hours light and starting to not produce much growth and get a little cold. Being able to throw together a flowering room gives you a lot more options should the weather and light get too little. When the first frosts hit here the season is generally over with heated greenhouses getting a few more weeks in.

The cola seems to have formed but with little bud, maybe this will change and she will flower out or maybe there were problems that led to this. Either way stay positive, i have fond memories of most of my early grows good or bad and looking back i learnt a lot from them in the long run. Keep us posted with pics as well, certainly an intresting grow.

Anything else that you can tell us that might help like what temps are like, light periods etc etc, kind of wanting to see a pic of the whole plant as well. Peace


The first pick was taken early September. The second is the middle of her big cola.This was taken a few days ago. You can see how much that cola has fattened up. It really is quite a site. The next three were taken later in Sept. The last is her home right now.

You can see clearly one of my f-ups in the fourth picture. The window behind her is our living room, so she was exposed to that light until about 10 at night. That pretty much slowed her down. I think thats why she's taken so long to get to this state.

Boy talk about learning from your mistakes. I have a wealth of knowledge now for next year, hahaha.



Well-Known Member
Wow, nice plant and seems like you live in a secluded area. Yep season seems to have passed you by the looks of the surrounding foliage and trees. I believe anything stronger than strong moonlight light wise can mess up the light period and flowering phase if its for consecutive nights.

The greenhouse worries me slightly, might be getting quite humid and stuffy in there as plant transpires moisture, temps look coolish but telling that from a pic is hard!lol!

Ultimatly you wan to get good light dark cycles, id try and push 11/12 hours of strong light and 12/13 hours of really dark darkness to try and speed up flowering. All in all it just seems to be flowering weakly and may not push much past this. There is a lot of considerations for the next grow and if you live in that secluded area an indoor grow with clones of this plant might be an intresting avenue to explore.

Do what you can and the rest is just down to mother nature, what will be will be. Peace


Thanks for the feedback Kingrow1. I think I will be bringing her inside. The forecast here is not improving and there a chance of frost yet again this weekend. I have a place that I was going to use to grow this winter, so I'll bring her and and whack as much light as I can on her. Outside its pretty much 11/13 so I'll keep her on the same schedule. After all is said and done...with a few popcorn left on the stalk, I will try to get clones off her. She really is one heck of a strong girl. It almost looks like she is vegging again at the bottom, so maybe I can pull it off. Oh, and its not damp in there at all, in the greenhouse. I've been checking every day to make sure I don't end up with mold.

Yes, we have a nice private place here and next summer I will be planting in our veggie garden. Its completely hidden from the road and has very good soil. Also, I will be starting much much!


Well-Known Member
Yer your the best judge of the temps and humidity, do what seems right but too cold will slow growth and screw with nutrient transport as well as give you some wicked purple colours on the leaves.

I always say never chase harvests more just learn from mistakes, good weed and big yeilds will come in time whilst much can be learned in between. That was a good plant even if it dosent bud out so prepare for indoor growing and dig in some good organic matter into next years veg patch, earthworms are generally a good sign the soil is good pH and nutrient wise, the more the better.

There is a trade off between starting early in the season and the right time, start too early before the sun is strong and they stretch, start too late and the plant never develops to it full potential. Work out where the sun rises and sets and maybe cut some trees down to allow more light penetration etc etc. I have had very good results with 2 foot flourescents in the right spectrum, easy and cheap to get hold of and setup indoors. Maybe even keep this strain going till next summer and grow it again to see wether it was environmental stresses that gave it problems or even just genetically leafy and low yeild.

Growing plants and weed is never ending for me as too enjoyable, small yeilds and failures make little difference to me as i am obviously a better grower than when i first started and that hopefully shows a learning curve and slow move to the day when i have pounds and pounds of every plant and yeild. Peace


Well....cold night temps are surely here. Next week it's into the freezing and below at night so there just isn't any point leaving her out. Also, with dragging her in a night and out the next day, I don't think the sun's potential is there and lord knows my back sure isn't.

This has been a fun adventure this year and its not over yet! Not till the fat lady sings. I'm growing strictly for pain management, so whatever I ended up with still be more than nothing. I will keep at it and keep learning. I assumed that if it grew and it was a she, that she would finish in plenty of time. I didn't even consider genetics of the seed and lord knows I'm responsible for environmental stress. hahaha. Our yard is not fully treed and the veggie garden gets good daylight sun. The earth is full of worms,....lots of them. I usually can't even dig a plant hole without running into a few.

After I get her to go as far as she can, I'll try to keep her going, as you said. I'll also try starting a few of the seeds I have left and see how they perform this winter, in an inside capacity. I'll keep you posted. Thank you so much for the insight. :-)


Well-Known Member
Is cool, mother nature is ending any outdoor growing, indoor is great fun but requires certain lights and fans but past the initial setup little else money wise is needed, cheap ferts etc etc.

Here is what i do indoors in my veg tent for ideas, soil mixes and pot size, indoors we need very good drainage for the small amount of soil plus perfect temps and good nutes then the rest is dependant on how strong a light we wana shine on it, winter sun is surely feeble and useless for weed plants although winter lettuce and cabbage as well as kale do very well come early spring. Peace


New Member
heres your answer runing colder temps in flowering stage is a grand idea what a person should do is when they flip to 12/12 they should calculate approx days the strain finishes in for instance lets say 63 days so so by 30th day in fower you should start running less light hrs for instance go 11 1/2 / 12/1/2 off by 50 days 11hrs of light 13 off letting light off temps drop just like fall weathers
this triggers hormones in the plant to speed it up i beleive i run cold temps usally in late flowering like 5th week and on
till there done only giving them a few days a week temps above 76 degrees look at these girls day 16 my temps on and off 67 to 74 degrees and there likeing it



Well-Known Member
With people so eager to push high temps i too find lower temps to give just as good growth although under 10c is my cut off point and growing becomes problematic, id rather grow at 15c than at 30c though as high temps are a real killer of bud and plants. Peace


i beleive i run cold temps usally in late flowering like 5th week and on
till there done only giving them a few days a week temps above 76 degrees look at these girls day 16 my temps on and off 67 to 74 degrees and there likeing it[/QUOTE]

Lol Dr. Fever...we are not going to see those temps up here for another 8 months. I did try to factor in the veg and flowering time with this plant as I started her indoors in May. As a newbie....I wasn't familiar or understood the genetics aspect of a plant, or proper growing techniques, so I have also made mistakes that have slowed her down. She is not going to grow with lows of 32 at night and we're not hitting 50 daytimes either. Then...we have had very little sun at all. All these things have made me decide to see what she does inside. The other alternative is to let her die and natural death outside.

But thank you for the feedback. Our climate is something I have to work with better next year.


Well Sally has been moved into her new home. 11 CFL's on her, mostly 26watts but also 2 42 wants at her top cola. I have the lighting schedule set to our normal sunrise/sunset times.

She has not developed at all in the past week. Dreary days and cold nights. Even a chance of wet flurries later in the week. I felt this was the only quick option I had at the moment. She is still green, still happy...I'm keeping my fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kingrow. I have two aerogardens, a lot of CFL's and a shed light outside that I think is pretty powerful. Still unused in the box. Going to check that out today. I had great luck with the aerogarden for germinating, but I will be transplanting after that into good soil. I'll keep you posted. Thanks KR1.[/QUOTE]

Dude you have aerogardens, apart from part failure and low light these things rock! People be doing lots of funky indoor growing with these, you basically in straight hydro with them. Congrats dude and well done for transplanting her inside. I wanted an aero garden for ages, like serious amature hobby hydro grows.

If the shed light is metal hallide or high pressure sodium you might be in luck. Peace


Well-Known Member
Well Sally has been moved into her new home. 11 CFL's on her, mostly 26watts but also 2 42 wants at her top cola. I have the lighting schedule set to our normal sunrise/sunset times.

She has not developed at all in the past week. Dreary days and cold nights. Even a chance of wet flurries later in the week. I felt this was the only quick option I had at the moment. She is still green, still happy...I'm keeping my fingers crossed
13hours dark 11 hours light. Peace