Finally Going to Try It.


Well-Known Member
So, i guess I do have enough money. Today i am picking up a bag of fox farm soil (Ocean Forest) and a quart of liquid plant fertilizer (Brow Big). Im excited :D


Well-Known Member
Damnit, i swear i cant rely on anyone. I told my friend exactly what to get, and when he couldnt find it, he just bought me the second best. So i am taking the liquid plant fertilizer back cuz it was seaweed extract not fox farm nute. And the soil he bought isnt nearly what i asked for. I will post a pic of the soil and i hope someone will tell me if it is good.


Well-Known Member
Looks like I have been doing everything right so far! My lone surviving seed had sprouted by the time I got in there and looked at it this morning, im so happy and excited.!! :D


Well-Known Member
just to show u, here is what i woke up to this morning. Its so beautiful. im really happy.

actually, i woke up to a sprout that had just broken through the soil, so it was still tilted over, but now its standing up and strong.



Well-Known Member
So, it has been 2 days since my last post, and it still looks promising.

I feel that i am doing everything right, and the plant looks very healthy to me.

I am posting a picture to show you my baby, and I hope to hear some feedback on how it looks to you




Well-Known Member
Very nice, you should be getting ready to transplant... and pick up those grow nutrients, try and find a pack Growbig, bloom big, tiger bloom

but move to 1 gallon pots, unless you do not want to transplant, then just move them into a 3 gallon pot.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry i have a couple 1.5 - 2 gallon pots. BTW, 2 more seeds have germinated. :D im so happy, my first grow and everything is going great.


Well-Known Member
Im a bit concerned about the height of my plant :( Im afraid that when it sprouted it was a little further from the light than i had thought and now i am afriad that it is too tall for its age. I could use some input. thx.



Well-Known Member
Put your hand under the soon as ur han starts to get warm...that's the point right there that ur plant will get warm as usually about 2 inches...sometimes less


Well-Known Member
right now the light is nearly and inch away, so i think it should be fine. Do you think the plant will be alright?
yea the plant will be fine...dont be such a "worry-wort" :mrgreen:
MJ is a survivor!
The worst that will happen is the leaves will get so big and make the stem sorta lean, but if that happens you can stick a straw next to it to for support..and I dont think I saw a fan in your pic either (corret me if Im wrong).. you need a fan blowing on them to stimulate the stem growth (girth) fix that up and U wont need to worry for a while


Well-Known Member
whoa thx, i certainly didnt know i needed a fan. Thx a bunch, and it is hard not to be a "worry wort" cuz this is my child. lol.


Well-Known Member
I understand I got a couple seedlings in my box too, and I check on em like every 4 hours and take pix of the new growth..what light cycle are you on?


Well-Known Member
24 hours on no off period. i may switch to 18/6 tho, i dunno yet. and I just set up a fan. its not too close right now cuz i dont want to blow the plant over, so, prolly in the next day or two i will move it closer.

I am constantly checking on my plant. Almost every hour. lol. i cant help it.


Well-Known Member
ok, so the plant has been under a fan for about 2 hours now, and it is now leaning into the wind! this is great. i have higher hopes for it now. thx.