Finally getting sunshine!


Well-Known Member
Well out here in Alaska, if you live in between the mountains you probably know all too well that there's a good streak of no sunshine for a while... mine started in mid November and just now, at 11:39 AK time I got sun in my face when I walked out on my porch. Wooooo hooooooo!!! :weed:

Now pack your bowls with some of this Matanuska Thunderfuck and prepare to vegetate! bongsmilie

I put up with the cold, for scenery like this.



Well-Known Member
what do you do for a living there?
Got a gig at the int'l airport... moving my way back up the aviation ladder here in Alaska. Completely different flying than what I'm used to, but was assured that a fair majority of pilots here either A) Dont even have a license. B) Smoke as much pot as I do. And C) Are crazier than I could've ever imagined

Hahaha... enjoy the music.



Active Member
That pic wasn't taken from your porch though was it?

Howcome theres no sunlight just overcast or is alaska where they have that weird full darkness for some parts of the year?


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's beautiful. If I didn't mind the cold (Once it goes below 30f here I don't even want to get out of bed.) I would move up there. Plus there's the problem of weed must be impossible to find there.


Well-Known Member
That pic wasn't taken from your porch though was it?

Howcome theres no sunlight just overcast or is alaska where they have that weird full darkness for some parts of the year?
You're right, that's from the Turnagain Arm, but I took a picture a few minutes ago... I just have to goto town to upload it cause I can't get signal for my cellphone up here on the mountain. And yes, Alaska is where the weird darkness occurs, not so much my parts... currently the sun moves sideways across the sky so it's never peaked above the mountains by my home, except for today and it will only continue to peak for longer and longer. But farther up north in AK there is no sun for months.

Wow, that's beautiful. If I didn't mind the cold (Once it goes below 30f here I don't even want to get out of bed.) I would move up there. Plus there's the problem of weed must be impossible to find there.
You acclimate to the weather, I'm a country boy from Louisiana... definitely have never even thought I'd make it this long in Alaska but I'm doing fine. And weed is ABUNDANT here.... everyone and their sister grows. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hmm.... On that thought, I would of assumed there would of only been like a 3 month window where you could grow. Is it true that you can grow 24 plants legally?


Well-Known Member
Hmm.... On that thought, I would of assumed there would of only been like a 3 month window where you could grow. Is it true that you can grow 24 plants legally?
Most grows here are indoor, but there are some monsters you can grow outdoors if you transplant at the correct time, no idea what time that is myself. 25 plants or less is legal and protected under the AK constitution in regards to privacy in your home... lets just say a friend got pulled over the other day and the officer told him to keep it at home and don't drive stoned, didn't even search him or ticket him.

You got it buddy! LOL. That's why I'm importing my own lower 48er girl. :lol: In all honesty though, there are some crazy good looking girls here, the outdoorsy kinda girls that like to board and go hiking... oh yeah!


you move to alaska and a few months later i get 9inches of snow down here!! you missed that... amazing to see louisiana covered in a blanket of snow.... funny to see most of us drive in it too:-P


Well-Known Member
you move to alaska and a few months later i get 9inches of snow down here!! you missed that... amazing to see louisiana covered in a blanket of snow.... funny to see most of us drive in it too:-P

I know!!!! I moved up here to see snow and winter and it snows back home... our roads have been frozen since October, was a hoot learning to drive for sure!


Well-Known Member
yeah ms got our share of that little snow. i didn't know you moved ss. nice pic of the snow but damn i'm glad i don't live in Alaska i would turn into a bear and hibernate. :leaf:peace:joint:


yeah ms got our share of that little snow. i didn't know you moved ss. nice pic of the snow but damn i'm glad i don't live in Alaska i would turn into a bear and hibernate. :leaf:peace:joint:

thats why they can grow 25plants there.... cause it keeps the cabin fever induced crimes to a minimum:-P


Well-Known Member
Sweet pic man, Ive been to pretty far up in northern canada in the summer where theres sunlight all the time. Id like to see what its like with pure darkness. Cant wait to move up north:weed:


Well-Known Member
anyways socata, thats some nice view ya got there..
Thanks, I agree 100% :eyesmoke:

i would turn into a bear and hibernate. :leaf:peace:joint:
I need to get back to Biloxi one of these days, I grew up a few good years in Harrison County ;) Back bay cruisin' baby! In fact, I first got caught smoking herb in Rock n' Roll Graveyard in St. Martin... google it and you'll find out about it.

thats why they can grow 25plants there.... cause it keeps the cabin fever induced crimes to a minimum:-P
WHO DAT?! WHO DERE?! I GOT A SHOTGUN BETTA WATCH OUT! Hahaha, yeah man it sure does help!

Sweet pic man, Ive been to pretty far up in northern canada in the summer where theres sunlight all the time. Id like to see what its like with pure darkness. Cant wait to move up north:weed:
Lemme know when you're comin, we'll plan a proper welcome part hahaha! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Here's one I found... the mountains are 60 miles away, and where you see the snow end on my side is the edge of a cliff, about 180ft down and nothing but ocean, here's the pic, and a video. :eyesmoke:




Well-Known Member
Damn its beautiful there even if i don't like cold weather.:joint: gonna have to google it that should be good for some laughs.