Filtered Sunlight, Green Lace


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I'm back now after a vacation. I am thinking of hanging some a very light green lace valance on window that would sort of camo my plant from outside view, (worked before at other house, on houseplants) while still giving the plant some filtered sun. I know you can use a green light to look at plants at night, would the green in the curtain filter any spectrum of light the plant needs? What color would be dominant?


Active Member
hmmm.... Why did you need to camo houseplants? ...whatever.

Sounds like a silly idea for numerous reasons to be honest. Firstly Cannabis needs huge amounts of 'direct' light not filtered light. Secondly, If you live in a region where cultivating cannabis needs to be hidden, a flimsy net curtain green or any other colour will not hide plants from somebody looking through your window unless you live high up.


Well-Known Member
I have my plants under cfls' and an led, I just like to put them under window sometimes for some filtered light, it comes through quite strong. With the pattern and hunter green color, from outside at 6-10 ft away you can't tell shit. The question is if the green in the lace would somehow filter any spectrum of light the plant might need.