Filling Jars of Curing Bud, with CO2 ///~


Well-Known Member
Any idea what this might do?

I read... that the less oxygen you expose the buds to, the better. Although, I am unsure of the immediate logic being that oxygen somehow would damage the plant?

I know oxygen oxidizes... but why does it matter for a cure?

Anyways, I've got carbonated cure jars now... My effort at displacing O2 with more stable CO2.

-Might I be hurting my sensimilla?


New Member
I wouldn't waste my time. They use it as we use oxygen. They're no longer growing so they no longer need co2 and u don't want air because it will degrade ur thc at a more rapid rate. Hope this helped. My .02 would be save it for budding plants.


Well-Known Member

I'm not thinking that respiration and production is going to happen,

but if yes, is it less harmful to thc then?

But also what are the effects going to be on... the plant material.


Well-Known Member
Don't waste your money, CO2 is plenty reactive enough that it might screw with the bud, just as fast as O2. If I was you I would vacuum seal the jars, either get a machine or use the old heating method. You also would have to replace the CO2 everytime you open a jar, much easer just to vacuum seal it.