Figure this'll work ?


New Member

This is what I meant by how funny it looks in a big pot:

On the other pellet where I saw a root, it looked like a taproot. It was a single root coming out the very bottom of the pellet. Is it likely this was from contamination, i.e. not an mj seed at all but something that got into the pellet during manufacture ? Have you guys ever found this in your pellets ?

the taproot will be first to grow out from the bottom of the jiffy pellet and will do rapidly (perfecly normal) and the jiffy should be planted into the soil before the taproot emerges from the bottom of the jiffy.



Well-Known Member
So, this thread is a great spot for me to record how the first grow goes, so I'll just keep posting here...
This pic is after a week of 24/0 , about 2 inches under 2 - 3500k CFLs. The leaves are a little darker than the pic actually shows and the veins are a little darker still.
Given that I don't really know what I'm looking at, does it look pretty normal ? Any suggestions ?
I've got about 2 weeks before I can build the room but, unless the growth rate picks up a lot I should be ok because I can lower the pot another foot if I need to. Building up the soil around the base (thx godspeed) and raising the pot closer to the light has made the leaves grow out way more than up.

Luda Cris said:
After the initial seedling stage, female plants generally develop more complex branching than the male
Hopefully that's "more complex branching" ?

As for water, it's been ~5 days and while the center of the soil is still moist, the outside edges are starting to shrink away from the pot. I'm figuring I'll wait till the top of the soil is dry and add some 20-5-5 as well ?



New Member
So, this thread is a great spot for me to record how the first grow goes, so I'll just keep posting here...
This pic is after a week of 24/0 , about 2 inches under 2 - 3500k CFLs. The leaves are a little darker than the pic actually shows and the veins are a little darker still.
Given that I don't really know what I'm looking at, does it look pretty normal ? Any suggestions ?
I've got about 2 weeks before I can build the room but, unless the growth rate picks up a lot I should be ok because I can lower the pot another foot if I need to. Building up the soil around the base (thx godspeed) and raising the pot closer to the light has made the leaves grow out way more than up.

Hopefully that's "more complex branching" ?

As for water, it's been ~5 days and while the center of the soil is still moist, the outside edges are starting to shrink away from the pot. I'm figuring I'll wait till the top of the soil is dry and add some 20-5-5 as well ?

no nutes for another 1-2 weeks.
(3 weeks from sprout).



Well-Known Member
So, I'm working on a cabinet that I can use later for sprouts and clones. I've put a pic below, but I think the big leaves are getting burned from the lights. It's only 2 CFLs but they're pretty close to those two leaves. Once it gets dark (nosy neighbours & outside entrance) I'm going to take the plant down to the basement and put it in the cabinet.
It's basically a 3/4" plywood box that's about 4' long, 2' tall and about 2' deep with 2 doors on the front (long side). I've already got one 18" flourescent (6500k) in there and I've got two more to go in, plus (at least temporarily) the 2 CFLs on the sides of the box. Air is handled (still a work in progress) by three 1-1/2" CPU fans arranged in a triangle to 'fill' a 4" dryer vent that'll run through carbon and into the old brick chimney. It's got a powerbar inside with a timer plugged in for the lights, and a 12V adapter for the fans. There's still enough space that I can plug the lights in directly for 24/0. I figure I'll line it with some white 'beer cooler' styrofoam I have because it ought to keep the noise down and I'm out of paint at the moment...
A quick nute question: I couldn't find 20-5-5, but I did find 5-1-1 fish fertilizer (deodorized). This might be a REALLY dumb question, but can I mix it 4X stronger and use it ? It says 1tbsp/gal, so I should be able to use 1 tbsp/qt, no ?

I'll put up a pic of the cabinet in a bit....but here's the plant today with what I can only guess are 'scorched' leaves. I'm still a week away from first nutes, so it can't be nute burn.



Well-Known Member
Fresh pics at the bottom...

I'm pretty sure now that the damage on the first two fan leaves are from either the lights being too close, or from letting the soil dry out too much. The new growth is coming along nicely though, so I'm calling it a lesson learned.

When I moved it from the light tube into the cabinet, I jarred the pot enough that the plant got knocked into a 45 degree angle coming out of the soil. I was concerned about shock to the roots, so I added some root hormone. I read on here somewhere (apologies for not remembering the author - I've read so much recently !) about adding it to the soil to help the roots grow. The stuff I picked up was "Wilson's Roots", a green gel. I mixed it with water to thin it and used a syringe to get it into the soil right around the roots without disturbing them any more than I already had.

The stipules are about 1/8" long now. I'm not too worried anymore if this is a fem because this one's a learning experience. (I'm ordering some white widow seeds next week). From the pics I've seen I'm guessing I have a sativa but I don't know. If it turns out to be a male, I'll kill it right away so I don't contaminate the space.

For nutes, I'm gonna try some 5-1-1 fish fertilizer mixed 4X stronger to give me a 20-4-4 ratio. Good or bad idea ? I think I'm about ready as the cotyledons are yellow now and look like they'll fall anytime.

Thoughts, opinions ?

Anyway, the pics:



Well-Known Member
OK...first some pics...

Lights.....I'm using two T8 flourescent tubes (18", 15W, 6500k) sitting right on the edges of the pot to keep them about 1-2" from the foliage. I've also got 2 CFLs above them, about 6"or so, giving 13W @ 3500k. Here's the way it sits in its lightproof box:

The tubes normally sit parallel, I just moved 'em to check the growth.

These are the tubes (lumens aren't listed anywhere):

And the CFLs. Now this is interesting: I would have thought, given the labelling, that the temperature would be similar for these as for the tubes.

Apparently not though, because when you read the 'fine print' on the back, they say that they're only 3500k...

I'm not sure whether it was starting on the nutes or adding the tubes, but the growth seems to be taking off. I've read and heard that planting it in a big pot right away can cause the plant to use its energy to build roots rather than foliage, so maybe giving it the rooting hormone I mentioned above allowed it to do both ?

I mixed some MG 24-8-16 at about 1/6 tsp per 1.5 litres of water (it was a very weak blue) and fed it. I figure I'll alternate feedings and water (one or the other every three days or so)


Well-Known Member
Thx goten
I am gonna go with MH and HPS lights....just not yet.
As it happens I just lucked into a few 4' hooded T5 fixtures so it'll be onto T5s for now I guess, at least for veg. I'm just getting to the point where this one's about to outgrow its space so I'll be setting them up pretty quick. Once I get a crop under my belt, it gets 're-invested' into more gear, lol.


New Member
that little seedling is fine.. those roots go through the neeting fine.. mabey GOTEN just had bad luck... those jiffy pots are made so the roots come out of the netting and absorb watter.. but when the roots get about one inch long or a little less you must transplant them.. into jiffy ptooing soil so theres no differencial siol shock...


New Member
Sexing the Plants
The female plant is more desirable than the male for marijuana cultivation. The female flowering clusters (bus) are usually the most potent parts of the harvest. Also, given room to develop, a female generally will yield twice as much marijuana as her male counterpart. More of her weight consists of top-quality buds.
Because the female yields marijuana in greater quantity and sooner you can devote your attention to nurturing the females. Where space is limited, such as in indoor gardens and small outdoor plots most growers prefer to remove the males as soon as possible, and leave all available space for the females. To harvest sinsemilla (seedless female buds), you must remove the male plants before they mature and release pollen.
Differences in the appearance of male and female Cannabis become more apparent toward maturation. During the seedling stage, gender is virtually impossible to distinguish, although in some varieties the male seedling may appear slightly taller and may develop more quickly.
We know of no way to discover gender with any certainty until each plant actually forms either pollen-bearing male flowers or seed-bearing female flowers. However, certain general characteristics may help. Using guidelines like the following, growers who are familiar with a particular variety can often predict gender fairly accurately by the middle stage of the plant's life.
Early Vegetative Growth
After the initial seedling stage, female plants generally develop more complex branching than the male. The male is usually slightly taller and less branched. (Under artificial light, the differences in height and branching are less apparent throughout growth.)
Some plants develop a marked swelling at the nodes, which is more common and pronounced on female plants.
Middle Vegetative Growth
In the second to fourth months of growth, plants commonly form a few isolated flowers long before the actual flowering stage begins. These premature flowers are most often found between the eighth and twelfth nodes on the main stem. Often they appear near each stipule (leaf spur) on several successive nodes, at a distance two to six nodes below the growing tip. These individual flowers may not develop fully and are often hard to distinguish as male or female flowers. The fuzzy white stigmas of the female flower may not appear, and the male flowers seldom opens but remains a tightly closed knob. However, the male flower differs from the female; it is raised on a tiny stalk, and the knob is symmetrical. The female flower appear stalkless and more leaflike.
The presence of premature female flowers does not assure that the plant is a female, but premature male flowers almost always indicate a male plant. Unfortunately, it is much less common for male plants to develop premature male flowers than for female flowers to appear on either plant. For example, in one garden of 25 mixed-variety plants, by age 14 weeks, 15 plants showed well-formed, premature female flowers with raised stigmas. Eight of these plants matured into females and seven became males. Only two plants showed premature male flowers and both of these developed into males. The eight remaining plants did not develop premature flowers or otherwise distinguishable organs until the actual flowering stage at the age of 21 weeks. From these eight, there were four females, three males, and one plant bearing both male and female flowers (hermaphrodite). It does seem, however, that plants bearing well-formed female flowers, on several successive node, usually turn out to be females.
In the week or two prior to flowering and throughout flowering, many common marijuana varieties follow two general growth patterns which depend on gender. With these varieties, you can tell gender by the spacing between the leaves (internodes). For the female, the emphasis is on compact growth. Each new leaf grows closer to the last, until the top of the plant is obscured by tightly knit leaves. The male elongates just prior to showing flowers. New growth is spaced well apart and raises the male to a taller stature. This may by the first time the male shows its classic tall, loosely arranged profile.

great post..good info...:clap:


Well-Known Member
Once again, thanks to everyone for contributing your thoughts, opinions, and expertise. I've been smokin' busy (not in a good way...sigh) lately so I haven't been keeping up. Here's an update though:

The first plant is rolling along nicely and I've actually taken 7 cuttings from it so far. On the first 4, one dried up but three of them showed roots in 9 days. I had them in opaque cups of water with tinfoil over the top to keep light out. I poked a hole in the tinfoil and (after dipping in hormone gel) stuck the tip into the water. I have since put them into pots made from 2 litre pop bottle that I cut down and drilled. The leaves were going yellow between the veins, which I took to be a lack of light. Last night, I put them in the light tube (that's in an earlier post). The three of them are now about an inch away from a pair of CFLs that worked for the first plant. Once they look a little more healthy, I'm going to start flowering them...probably a couple more weeks and I'll know if my "mom" is really a dad....
Based on Luda's 'sexing' post (thx dood!) the branches are right above each other and the whole plant is pretty dense - I've got about 9 nodes on the 10" plant and if you look down from above all you can see is green, so I'm hoping he's a she.:leaf:

I took another four cuttings a few days ago and after dipping them stuck them right into jiffies. They're in a domed jiffy tray right now and lit by an 18" (6500k) and two full spectrum 4' flourescent tubes and warmed with a heating pad. They still look healthy and green, so we'll see how it goes.

With the main plant, I've started staking it down now so it'll use up the whole pot. It's under 2 3500k CFLs and a 6500k tube. I've kept a few small pc fans blowing on it continuously and, while the plant is only about 10" tall, the stalk is about the thickness of a pencil. At least I don't have to worry about breaking it ! The longest fan leaves are about 8" long - it's those branches that I've been cutting and within a couple days there's a new one growing up out of the junction to replace it. Those are the ones I'm training to grow down and outwards. This stuff is probably all old news to you guys but I think it's pretty cool that all this started from a single seed...

I thought the fixtures I was getting were T5 but it turns out they're the normal T8. No matter, I'm off to pick up a bunch of fresh tubes today. One question though:
In one of the videos (the Mr Green one IIRC) he mentions using a warm white and a cool white in each fixture. Is there an advantage to this or should I just go with two full-spectrum tubes in each one ?


Well-Known Member
Some new stuff, a couple questions, and of course some pictures !

First off, I want to top the plant. I'd like to get some thoughts on where you'd cut it and why there. Also, I assume I can root the top I cut and grow it as a clone ?

The two branches growing up in the center are going to be tied down to fill in that hole, BTW

To my eye, it looks like the best place to cut it is just above the node that's right in the middle of the pic ?
Any thoughts ? Yay or nay ?

Here's a shot for perspective. I can't get over the size of the leaves, lol:

These are some clones right after I cut 'em and put them into jiffy pellets. There's no dome because the entire box is around 80% RH and I'm misting the leaves a couple times a day. And, yeah, the leaves were trimmed after I took the pic. They look droopy at the moment but it's because I was training them to grow out from the main stem and up before I cut them off. I've been leaving the ones that grow out past the big plant's fan leaves and reach up and taking the smaller ones off as clones. It surprises me just how quickly they adjust to the light coming from a new direction.

The cuttings I took at first have about lived out their usefulness I think. They were just branches with fan leaves but no tips so there's been no vegetative growth (but the roots are going nuts!). Now that the plant is big enough to take proper clones off of and I think I've got the rooting process figured out, I'll toss the other ones to free up space for clones. A few days ago, I culled the clones that didn't look so good. Out of 5 I kept two. One of them was in a jiffy and had roots coming out of it so I repotted it. That's probably the one I'll flower once I get a light because I still don't know that my plant is a female. Even if it grows 'balls' it still will have been good to learn from. Anyway, here's that clone:

This is the other one. Now, I rooted this one in a container of water with tinfoil over the top to keep light off the roots. Rather than rooting, the base was covered in clear slime and had what looked like white tumours on the stem where the roots ought to come through. I assumed that was the precursor to roots so I stuck it in soil at that point. The green is still green so I guess we'll see if it takes....

Any input, thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. I'm still relying on you guys 'cause I don't know enough to know what 'normal' is yet.


Well-Known Member
So, I think I've got cloning figured out, feeding figured out, and the plant that started it all has recently shown female preflowers even though she's still on 24/0.
I've recently put 3 of her clones on 12/12 and things are progressing nicely - it's good to know that I've got a steady supply of clones on the go so that in a couple months I won't have to buy weed anymore. Sweet.....

Thanks to everyone who has responded to my various questions and provided me with much-needed intel. Reps have been dished out along the way (of course) and I'll see you around the boards !

Remember - it's always 4:20 somewhere - life is short, be happy.


So what's the story now.......been 24 days since an update on yer girls, unless I'm looking at the wrong thread....

Should be flowers soon.