few Qs about soil


Active Member
1) How come 5 gallon pots are ideal for soil grows?

2) does soil really produce significantly less than hydro?

3) Im planning on doing a 2000 watt indoor soil grow. How many plants can i put under 2 1000s in a 6.5x6.5foot grow tent? Im guessing somewhere around 24 plants or so.

4) how long should I veg them for for optimal yield? 2 weeks? a month?

5) When I transplant my clones from my EZ cloner into fresh soil is there going to be a lot of shock? Is there a chance Im going to lose some of my clones during the transplant process? What are some tips to make this transition as smooth as possible.

6) Can I run CO2 in a grow tent? Is it air tight enough or will it just leak out before it even gets a chance to get absorbed by the plants? Whats the best way to go about CO2 supplementation? (Im guessing a timer 3 times a day for 30 minutes at a time but dont really know much about CO2)

7) Temperature is a huge issue where I live and I dont have the money to grow in a Air Conditioned environment. Is soil a realistic option? My last grow was a DIY DWC and my roots got root rot because my air bubblers kept crapping out on me every couple weeks and the water just got too hot when I moved the grow from AC indoors into the garage.

Please advise :)


Well-Known Member
this is the outdoor growing forum... granted im sure a lot of people on here know a lot about indoors as well but u will have better luck getting responses in the indoor forum. not to mention there is like twice as many posts in that forum.