Few Newb Questions


Active Member
i live in australia and have recently germinated and planted a white widdow(well thats what my mate told me it was) seed indoors

put it in a pot under a lamp yesterday

i have done some reading but am still confused about a few things.

how often/how much should i be wattering while its a seedling?

i will eventualy put it outside in the soil wanted to know if it matters what stage of growth it is in (i would be planning on putting it outside when it gets to about 30cm or in about 4 weeks whichever comes 1st)

i also wanted to know which sex of plant produces seeds and if there is anything special that needs to be done to get it to make seeds (its fairly hard to get seeds where i live and i would like to continue growing in the future)

any idication of the time frame of when it will enter its flowering stage would be greatly appreciated

thanks for any help guys

looking foward to smoking some of my own buds some time in the future:joint:


Well-Known Member
Well as for making seeds, you need 2 plants to do that i think, 1 female and 1 male, the male is the one that produces seeds the female is the one that produces the bud. You have to take some of the pollen from the male and pollenate some of the female in order to get seeds.

As for how often you should be watering depends on what size pot it's in lighting and temps stuff like that, would need a few more details. I watered my seedlings ever other day they where in peat pots so they dryed out quick. Also if your using tap water you should let it sit for at least 24hours before you water them so there are no harmful chemicals left in the water. If you live in an area where you have a high ph in your water just add a couple of drops of lemon juice to every litre off water that should bring it down a bit, that's what i do cos my water has a high ph.

As for when to move it outside, i have no idea sorry, have never grow outside. If i had to guess i would say when you know what sex it is, or when you put it into flower, not sure though.

Hope that helps.
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Well-Known Member
well i dont know much as i am a noobie myself but i do know about watering seedlings. it is very important not to over water at this stage i was worried about this also. just a lil will go a long way after they are a little bigger you will be able to tell just by looking at them if the soil looks dry, or put finger inch down if dry need watering. Most important thing is to not drown them when thy are babies as they grow add more and try to let dry out a lil b/w each watering. as far as flowering ive read a crapload and pretty much all say anywhere b/w 4 to 8 weeks depending on plant,size,health etc. i am flowering mine in 2 days it will be 6 weeks old. Female = buds, Male = only seeds, Hermie = buds and seeds lol. thats about all i can help with dont know anything about growing outdoors. Gl and have fun ;)

that may help i asked some of the same ?s