Fertilizer questions


Well-Known Member
I'll catch hell for this but here goes;
Short ans. yes. I add 1 cup nitrogenous guano,
4 cups castings, 1oz. Mycostim and 1 tbs.
molasses to 1 gal. h2o as a wetting agent
to 5 gal. of soil.
(note: Use only enough water to moisten
soil) this preparation is for photoperiod
plants only don't use it for auto's.


Well-Known Member
why you!!!!

I'll catch hell for this but here goes;
Short ans. yes. I add 1 cup nitrogenous guano,
4 cups castings, 1oz. Mycostim and 1 tbs.
molasses to 1 gal. h2o as a wetting agent
to 5 gal. of soil.
(note: Use only enough water to moisten
soil) this preparation is for photoperiod
plants only don't use it for auto's.


Well-Known Member
This is a very light amount of nutes mainly to
feed the mycorrhizea and other beneficial
critters I can't spell.


Well-Known Member
Less is always more. As said above you can always add more but trying to fix too much will fuck up your plant.

Eta trying to change the soil is complete hell. You will further damage the root system even more after you've began to already burn it with nutrients. Flushing is a pain in the ass as over watering and root rot can set in.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, worm castings are so mild you can darn near
grow directly in them. Be careful with the guano and
anything else you use!
Most soils come pre-dosed with worm castings
(nature's little miracles,worms are).
Guano added to soil takes aprox. 30 days to break down
so don't add more, it will carry you until you flower(indoor)
The very last thing anybody needs is hot soil - always,
always use the least amount necessary.