Feminized WW, flowered yet growing balls?


Well-Known Member
Just a quickie . . . bit of a head scratcher for me , I have grown and flowered a feminised WW , vegged her for 5 weeks flowered for 8 , coming onto her 9th ( harvested and left small flowers for a last ditch attempt at more herb) and I have notice little pods under the bud sites of the bigger flower's, me being curious took the scalpel to one to reveal what can only be described as a small pre-seed, Is this common in feminized strains , or is it due to the length of flowering time without pollen causing her to herm and grow some seeds, the smoke off her is of excellent quality and for my first proper attempt its a hell of a lot better than expected.I'm just a little curious to know if she is growing seeds, and if she is are they of any use to me if i let the pods fully develop instead of stripping her bare in the next week or so?? any advice is appreciated , I'm probably gonna try and get a few more buds off her and grow the pods out , see whats what, if not for the seeds but for my own personal experience, knowing next time whats what , so to speak

Cheerts , WoW


Well-Known Member
I think I would do the same. Harvest up all big buds and leave only a few small ones and see if you can get those seeds to ripen. Yeah a Hermie, go figure. Did you interrupt the light cycle ?


Active Member
If only the bananas are showing you can cut them off with no damage. If they are full on sacks/balls don't cut them. A few seeds sounds just what you need if you are 3/4 chopping a plant to get another harvest. But yeah cut them if you want, peace.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah light cycle fucked up , i reckon she was without light for 2 days and its winter here in the uk, been seeing snow and ice for days, without heat for a day or so in the tent too . . . i got about 8oz wet off her and its top notch so I aint gonna moan about losing some popcorn , the balls are far and few betyween anyway, cheers for the replies . . . free seeds are a bonus i reckon :) unless they all end up males . . . .


Well-Known Member
Yeah light cycle fucked up , i reckon she was without light for 2 days and its winter here in the uk, been seeing snow and ice for days, without heat for a day or so in the tent too . . . i got about 8oz wet off her and its top notch so I aint gonna moan about losing some popcorn , the balls are far and few betyween anyway, cheers for the replies . . . free seeds are a bonus i reckon :) unless they all end up males . . . .
True that, Happy Harvest then mate.


Well-Known Member
how do you figure that? the female seeds are treated with a hormone that does something to the cromeosomes(sp) lol so it will be a female.
a feminized seed is from a self pollinating mother witch means the mother was a hermie, their for pasing on the hermie genitics to the seeds, leading to yet a nother hermie but possibly a female plant, i know i dont want hermies and would be pissed if i bought hella expensive seeds just to end up with hermie, and the seed companys dont do shit to them they just want u to think they do so they can sell them at the price they do, wich is way to much, actualyy even the regualr seeds from the online seed shops are way to expensive, i know i would wqste cash on that shit, u could get clones cheaper then those seeds, and would have better luck on not havin hermies, this is all IMO though im not tryin to start and argument, so if u want fem seeds just grow out a hermie plant and plant the seeds produced and walla hermie oh i mean fem seeds,:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Article by Soma

Feminized seeds occur as a result of stress, other than genetics. All cannabis plants can and will make male flowers under stress. Certain strains like a higher PH, some like a lower one. Some like a lot of food, some like a lot less. There is quite a lot of variety in marijuana genetics, and you can�t treat every plant the same way.

It takes many harvests before you really get to know a particular strain. Just like getting to know human friends, it takes time. I have grown strains for a decade and am truly getting to know every nuance the different plants exhibit. I can recognize them from a distance. I must say that I get a lot of help from my friends, both in making seeds and learning new and better ways of working with this sacred plant.

I named this new method �Rodelization� after a friend who helped me realize and make use of this way of creating female seeds. After growing crop after crop of the same plant in the same conditions, I noticed that if I flowered the plants 10-14 days longer than usual, they would develop male �bananas�. A male banana is a very slight male flower on a female marijuana plant that is formed because of stress. Usually they do not let out any pollen early enough to make seeds, but they sometimes do. They are a built in safety factor so in case of sever conditions, the plant can make sure that the species is furthered.

To me a male banana is quite a beautiful thing. It has the potential of making all female seeds. Many growers out there have male banana phobia. They see one and have heart palpitations, they want to cut down the entire crop or at least take tweezers and pluck the little yellow emerging devices out. I call them �Emergency Devices� because they emerge at times of stress.

In the Rodelization method, the male banana is very valuable. After growing your female plant 10-14 days longer than usual, hang them up to dry, then carefully take them off the drying lines and inspect for bananas. Each and every banana should be removed and placed in a small bag labeled very accurately. These sealed bags can be placed in the fridge for one to two months and still remain potent.

For the second phase you need to already have a crop that�s already 2 � weeks into flowering. Take your sealed bag of pollen out of the fridge, and proceed to impregnate your new crop of females. To do this, you must first match the female plant and the pollen from the same strain in the previous crop. Shut down all the fans in the grow room. Then take a very fine paint brush, dip it in the bag of pollen, and paint it on the female flower. Do this to each different strain you have growing together. I have done it with ten different kinds in the same room with great success.

I use the lower flowers to make seeds, leaving the top colas seedless for smoking. This method takes time(two crops), but is completely organic and lets you have great quality smoke at the same time you make your female seeds. If you�re one of those growers that has never grown seeds for fear of not having something good to smoke, you will love this method.

You can also use this pollen to make new female crosses by cross pollinating. The older females with the bananas can be brought into the room with the younger, un-pollinated females when they are three weeks into flowering. Turn all of the circulation fans on high, and the little bits of pollen will proceed to make it around the room. Do this for several days. Six to seven weeks later you will have ripe 100% female seeds; not nearly as many as a male plant would make, but enough to start over somewhere else with the same genetics.

As a farmer who has been forced to move his genetics far away from where they started, I know very well the value of seeds. My friend Adam from THSeeds in Amsterdam has a motto that I love to borrow these days: �Drop seeds not bombs�.

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Well-Known Member
a feminized seed is from a self pollinating mother witch means the mother was a hermie, their for pasing on the hermie genitics to the seeds, leading to yet a nother hermie but possibly a female plant, i know i dont want hermies and would be pissed if i bought hella expensive seeds just to end up with hermie, and the seed companys dont do shit to them they just want u to think they do so they can sell them at the price they do, wich is way to much, actualyy even the regualr seeds from the online seed shops are way to expensive, i know i would wqste cash on that shit, u could get clones cheaper then those seeds, and would have better luck on not havin hermies, this is all IMO though im not tryin to start and argument, so if u want fem seeds just grow out a hermie plant and plant the seeds produced and walla hermie oh i mean fem seeds,:bigjoint:
The're female seeds that produce female plants. Hermie seeds would create.... Bananas?
All joking aside, Hermie's happen to all seeds/plants from time to time. Could be stress related, or bad genetics, from regular seeds as well as fem seeds.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for thye info and speedy replies, so basically , what i have left on the plant to try and get a last ditch few more buds, could possibly turn to seed pods ?? I'm thinking i got lucky then hehehe, free seeds and a few ounce of killer green , I knew i loved growing this stuff . . . round 2 starting soon , hydro grow with her clones . . . already vegged, just waiting for the grow room to be free :D , be worth the extra wait for a handfull of magic beans :D


Well-Known Member
The're female seeds that produce female plants. Hermie seeds would create.... Bananas?
All joking aside, Hermie's happen to all seeds/plants from time to time. Could be stress related, or bad genetics, from regular seeds as well as fem seeds.
so how does the female pollinate its self, it doesnt, its the pollon sacks that open on a hermie and polinate the female parts, and the pollon sacks are the bannas it just that when the bannanas are out the pollon has already droped and spread


Well-Known Member
so how does the female pollinate its self, it doesnt, its the pollon sacks that open on a hermie and polinate the female parts, and the pollon sacks are the bannas it just that when the bannanas are out the pollon has already droped and spread
Does not create Hermie Seeds is my point.


Well-Known Member
so how does the female pollinate its self, it doesnt, its the pollon sacks that open on a hermie and polinate the female parts, and the pollon sacks are the bannas it just that when the bannanas are out the pollon has already droped and spread
it pollinates itself because it is treated with some kind of chemical hormone, its an acid, and it will just spontaneously make seeds. scientists are awesome. you should do some research on how they make feminized seeds.

a feminized seed that grows up male and makes pollen is actually a 1/1000 occurrence, and is how new strains are created


Well-Known Member
it pollinates itself because it is treated with some kind of chemical hormone, its an acid, and it will just spontaneously make seeds. scientists are awesome. you should do some research on how they make feminized seeds.

a feminized seed that grows up male and makes pollen is actually a 1/1000 occurrence, and is how new strains are created


it pollinates itself because it is treated with some kind of chemical hormone, its an acid, and it will just spontaneously make seeds. scientists are awesome. you should do some research on how they make feminized seeds.

a feminized seed that grows up male and makes pollen is actually a 1/1000 occurrence, and is how new strains are created
see i knew i was right!:lol:


Well-Known Member
checl out this link and read all of it, yes fem seeds are good in some cases but most the time not, i just would pay for them ever cuz u can barely stress them, and most crops get stress at one point or another, :bigjoint: and i dont think u can be right on this issue cuz everyone has their own opinion, so i guess were both right:bigjoint:
