Female seeds Iced Widow


Well I just ran 3x of these and they came out pretty bad ass, honestly I love the results. Took about 3.5 months in soil and from all 3 and just topping once i got just over 7 ounces dried weight with a 400w hps/mh ballast. All the other seeds I had were misplaced so I'm looking to find a new source of genetics to throw in the dirt. Anyone growing a good indoor plant that's fairly forgiving?? I go out of town often for work so I wan't something pretty hard to
fuck up just like the iced widows lol.

Here's a few pics of my last grow

photo 3.jpg
photo 4.jpg
photo 1.jpg



Well-Known Member
I had an order of Female C99 that never popped, but the White Widow was great. The C99 seeds looked like they might have been harvested early. I'll be trying a different breeder for C99 on the next order. Your Iced Widow looks great, smoke report?


I'm not tooting my own horn but man, this iced widow will kick your ass in a GOOOOD way. I love it, it's a happy energetic high that keeps you feeling super chill. I've been smoking everyday for quite a while so i was concerned that it wouldn't get me where i wanted, but honestly after 1 fat rip im good for a couple hours. I recommend this weed to EVERY new grower. It yielded high for the amount of attention they got growing and I didn't see one problem along the way either. Now, it does smell a lot through out grow, but she grows like a son of a bitch after week 2-3 and i flipped them at week 5.

Smoke report: high head buzz light body high, very potent
Flavour: Citrusy lemon with a hashy flavour. very appealing to the buyer if you're trying to flip it.