Female Pistols??

Hi ... I'm on day 15 since this seed sprouted, and this is my first grow. I noticed these a few days ago, but from everything I've read, I figured it wasn't likely to be female pistols as this point. They have gotten bigger and more noticeable, so I'm interested in what those of you who are more experienced think.


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
looks nice man what kind of lights do you have? you have a little long till it will show inless its on 12/12 it will show earlier


Well-Known Member
Nice tight healthy nodes... are you using a MH?

those are the start of side branches in case you didn't know.
Thanks =). I'm actually using daylight cfl's! I'm pretty impressed with how well it's doing since I've heard other lights do better, but I've been leaving the lights on 24/7 and I think that maybe compensates