Female/Hermi? Feedback please +rep


Active Member
1st Plant:

Are those balls or buds right there? 2nd pic is def a bud. So female or hermi? Im thinking there buds nd not balls but let me know

2nd Plant:

Female plant? Where the buds at?



Active Member
You 100% positive those are balls and not buds? The 1st and 2nd pic is of the same picture and the 2nd picture is bud isnt it?


i think the other way round actually, looks like there are some pistils on the first plant (that white hair in pic 1) but i think plant 2 is male because no pistils
maybe this will help;

found it on google images

but see the balls dont look the same the the white hair on the first plant looks like a lady hair
while the little thingys on the second one look like those male things without any seeds yet

but i wouldnt trust me...
im not 100% sure


Well-Known Member
Hi irp.. First two pics is definitely a male man, you gotta get em out quick, they're ready to pop!!! last two pics are female... Males almost always develop faster than females.
Get the male out and be patient and see your girl bloom :)


Active Member
Damn. This shits mad confusing? Quick question.. 1st plant, 2nd pic is that a bud or not? If yes then how can plant 1 b full blown male?

And plant number 2.. I dont see no balls but those arnt pistils in the 3rd pic?


Well-Known Member
They both look like balls to me. The 1st is def a male and by the looks of the 2nd pic that is balls a popping. Usually a hermi plant will start out all female and then pop some nuts as flowering progresses. Pic #1 says it all though. That top is male so I bet the whole plant is.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
1st Plant:

Are those balls or buds right there? 2nd pic is def a bud. So female or hermi? Im thinking there buds nd not balls but let me know

2nd Plant:

Female plant? Where the buds at?

First one looks hemi, but the pics aren't that great.

The second one hasn't shown sex


Well-Known Member
irp 1st plant is definately male dude... the 2nd pic is lower down the plant right? Get it out quick cause it's going to pollinate your female.. if it is.. Did you start flowering them at the same time?


Well-Known Member
as others have said....scrap the first. Chop it! Its male.

2nd plant I can't see anything from the pictures yet. wait a few more days and post back with new pictures.


Well-Known Member
The First two pics are male plants. The top part your refering to as a bud is not at all. Its alot of male balls. The other pictures doesnt seem to show there sex yet from what I can see.
Sorry for the dissapointment unless your a breeder:peace: