FEMALE?? (by Accident)??


Hi Guys... i posted a thread a while a go (by Accident) - i found a seed in me bag of smelly and decided to plant....well to my amazment it grew - its just been sitting on my window seal for the last month or so and well i have just left it to do its thing watering once every other day.... with only water..... no lights just sun... so i have attached some new pics - - - if some one could confirm either male or female? for me as well i aint got a clue really........ and if female do i jus leave now to flower etc??...




Well-Known Member
It still too early to tell. You need to put it in 12/12 to see if it flowers or not. I just grew 5 plants and 4 of them were male so hopefully you have better luck.

Hi Guys... i posted a thread a while a go (by Accident) - i found a seed in me bag of smelly and decided to plant....well to my amazment it grew - its just been sitting on my window seal for the last month or so and well i have just left it to do its thing watering once every other day.... with only water..... no lights just sun... so i have attached some new pics - - - if some one could confirm either male or female? for me as well i aint got a clue really........ and if female do i jus leave now to flower etc??...



Well-Known Member
Looking nice for a window plant...It seems like you are in no rush, so just let it grow for a while. Its obviously happy with its conditions so dont mess with anything.


k i have been advised to give it 36 hrs of dark and then just leave it to flower..... so still to early to tell if its a girl?? so am i not seeing the female pistons here?? ... thanks for ur advice guys....!! as i say its just been sitting on my window seal!! .... fingers crossed..