Feilds Of Mary-J!!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright Multen.... quiz me... I GARUNTEE you I know a lot more then you about this... I've been growing for almost 15 years now.... I'm just fucking around, you all think its going to be a successful grow? No offence, but you guys are all FAGS. You freak on someone who said what there doing lol. I didnt ask for suggestions... No shit they wont grow in winter, close this post. Pointless.

LMAO, you ask how to tell a male from a female seed.

Plus you've been growing for 15 years, you sound and act like your 16.

Get on your dirt bike and leave RIU 4 ever.:peace:


Well-Known Member
alright, so i live in a much more accomidating climate (southeast US) and i have been doing research all night. everyone i talked to at work says its going to get colder but only for a couple days at a time, so im taking my chances. ive had a plant on my porch for the last month now and its down fine with a couple nights of low 30's, lowest temp was 28 and she pulled through.

The point of this post is to say that im going to do what this liar liar pants on fire said he was gonna do. Im going to ride out on I-10 tomorrow, puffin a L until i see a fitting forest/park wahtever. then its on like farmer john with that goat by the cliff. I took a note from BDW and picked out some spots with natural flowing water, google earth is the shit. Got a preview of waht the coppers in choppers would see.
I dont have nearly 1000 seeds, probly around 100 or so, ive gone through em all, sorted into three sizes/classes. each patch will get a lil of each, and hopefully i can go back in 2-3 months to see waht the damage is. There will be wild weed in the southeast, and I will do my part to make it happen :).

So if you see a silver car on I-10 tomorrow, with the driver puffin a L, GET THE FUCK OUTA MY WAY, got shit to do homie. This ones for brown dirt and every other guerila grower or any grower period. PM me if you wanna come on a voyage hahaha


Well-Known Member
salvia fucked my 5 minutes up tho, i dunno if i could handle being like that for 8 hrs. Id end up on CNN or some shit, whatever the canadian version is


Well-Known Member
alright, so i live in a much more accomidating climate (southeast US) and i have been doing research all night. everyone i talked to at work says its going to get colder but only for a couple days at a time, so im taking my chances. ive had a plant on my porch for the last month now and its down fine with a couple nights of low 30's, lowest temp was 28 and she pulled through.

The point of this post is to say that im going to do what this liar liar pants on fire said he was gonna do. Im going to ride out on I-10 tomorrow, puffin a L until i see a fitting forest/park wahtever. then its on like farmer john with that goat by the cliff. I took a note from BDW and picked out some spots with natural flowing water, google earth is the shit. Got a preview of waht the coppers in choppers would see.
I dont have nearly 1000 seeds, probly around 100 or so, ive gone through em all, sorted into three sizes/classes. each patch will get a lil of each, and hopefully i can go back in 2-3 months to see waht the damage is. There will be wild weed in the southeast, and I will do my part to make it happen :).

So if you see a silver car on I-10 tomorrow, with the driver puffin a L, GET THE FUCK OUTA MY WAY, got shit to do homie. This ones for brown dirt and every other guerila grower or any grower period. PM me if you wanna come on a voyage hahaha
I live in Florida.. Need some help? I could get seeds :P.


Active Member
salvia fucked my 5 minutes up tho, i dunno if i could handle being like that for 8 hrs. Id end up on CNN or some shit, whatever the canadian version is
You get high for eight hours?Holy shit man,wish I could be baked for more then 45 minutes before I feel like a nap.:cry:


Active Member
Alright Multen.... quiz me... I GARUNTEE you I know a lot more then you about this... I've been growing for almost 15 years now.... I'm just fucking around, you all think its going to be a successful grow? No offence, but you guys are all FAGS. You freak on someone who said what there doing lol. I didnt ask for suggestions... No shit they wont grow in winter, close this post. Pointless.
I really wish i had the time back that i blew reading this stupid bullshit that is all clearly just made up, but i wasn't mad until you until you used the word FAG. RIU is a constructive community for the benefit of it's users, and you are only wasting this useful resource. You said it best, pointless.


Well-Known Member
seriously rollrsk8, reading this pissed me off an then i was like well fuck....someones gotta do it now. thus, my riiiiide tomorrow. HANKY, you got seeds? then let us do the deed. PM me, see if ur round my necka tha woods, wish u had more posts tho :/. no offense but cops are tricky ya know? ;)


Well-Known Member
whoever does it. i want to see pictures. :blsmoke:

if you have the balls to plant 100's and thousands of seeds, might as well have enough to take your camera.:joint:


Active Member
I am not quite sure what it is but after reading this thread I feel bad:cry:. Well up until the last page (grow on granite man!).
Why would you plant 250 beautiful herbs just to see if they would live? That’s really irresponsible at least wait until growing season so they have a chance.

over and out


Well-Known Member
i went out this morning, plant around 25, very random locations...ill go back in a couple months i guess. i think my next site im gonna put a lil more devotion into, ill bring the camera multan. southeast kinda sucks terrain wise tho, no hills, rivers + streams jus kinda flow at sea level, sucks for water pressure. wish i had a lil solar cell i could hook up to a small fountain pump or something, oh well. time to get high/creative


Well-Known Member
i went out this morning, plant around 25, very random locations...ill go back in a couple months i guess. i think my next site im gonna put a lil more devotion into, ill bring the camera multan. southeast kinda sucks terrain wise tho, no hills, rivers + streams jus kinda flow at sea level, sucks for water pressure. wish i had a lil solar cell i could hook up to a small fountain pump or something, oh well. time to get high/creative
Dude, you better not live in Florida. Because I'm going to pissed if your wild plants pollinate and ruin my entire crop:?


Well-Known Member
hahahaha, unless you live ina state park, youre straight. and yes the sunshine is my temporary abode. im sure ur shits inside, and if it is, im sure its sealed, and youre a pro, so im sure you have carbon scrubbers to filter all that shit. so iblazethatkush, go do jus that, blaze that kush, an feel good man.


Well-Known Member
n ur locale says west coast......so unless u inhabit the atlantic ocean, i dont see how florida could be the west coast...?


Too many brownies

Ride the dirt bike through the cornfield and into some woods. Take tools with you. Loppers and a shovel, maybe a small saw. Make a large clearing and plant there.



Well-Known Member
i went to a ganja field in jamaica before, probally about 800 plants they were just starting to bud, and looked very very dank, remember they had blueish kinda hughes to the little buds, and smelled verry verry good, i know the guy said one section was blue berry or blue mystic, cant remember wich one, i got extremely blazed with the guys while walking, or should i say, hikeing up there. i had tons of pictures, but not on the computer anymore and dont know where they are packed away at. for some reason i almost think i threw them away when i was pissed off at somethin, but i really hope i did'nt do that.

ah when i think back, i can barely remember being there, all i remember is the look of all the bright green plants, which seemed like the field went on forever, verry good smell in the air, smokeing big jamacian rizla king size joints, one after the other, and guys all around hideing in man made trenches, and camoflage bunkers, with ak47's in hand. i was there for a good hour, takeing pictures and talkin with all the guys, but dont know what the hell about. oh well.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha, unless you live ina state park, youre straight. and yes the sunshine is my temporary abode. im sure ur shits inside, and if it is, im sure its sealed, and youre a pro, so im sure you have carbon scrubbers to filter all that shit. so iblazethatkush, go do jus that, blaze that kush, an feel good man.
Fucker. Go kill those plants. I'm going to be growing in a state park in FL... Seriously, and if you don't ruin my crop you'll probably ruin somebody elses...People that just throw seeds out without killing the males are assholes. What county are u in?


Too many brownies
Fucker. Go kill those plants. I'm going to be growing in a state park in FL... Seriously, and if you don't ruin my crop you'll probably ruin somebody elses...People that just throw seeds out without killing the males are assholes. What county are u in?
Im gonna be doing the same thing!!!! Actually wait no im going to be growing in a national forest