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Well-Known Member
i think my brother is an alcoholic and just wanted to prove that he is one LOL does anyone think that drinking a 40 ounces of beer everyday making him alcoholic i think so but thats my opinion i want to hear other people's opinion on this subject :D


Well-Known Member
Not even close thats a casual drinker.........when you wake up drinking drunk all day and shit your pants while buying beer might make you an alcoholic............I drather be a drunk than a alcoholic that way I dont have to go to all those damn meetings


Well-Known Member
I think Dr Drew always says something like, it's a problem when it becomes a problem... in other words, when drinking is disruptive to normal life, detrimental to health, ect.


Well-Known Member
my brother is an alcoholic, he drinks about that much everyday... again my opinion, but everyone who knows my brother also shares that opinion, he also prefers booze to pot thats something that makes me feel hes a drunkard, i'd pass on a beer for for a joint any day, but i guess that makes me a pot head lol

he also drives drunk almost everyday, sometimes just to get more beer....


bud bootlegger
yah, i agree with heisenberg on this one.. ive been to a few drug treatment centers, and one of the first things that you always have to do is fill out one of those questionares asking you about your drug use..
a few of the questions are..
do you think you have a drug problem
do other people think you have a drug problem
does drinking, doing drugs interfere with your work
have you ever spent money on drugs drinking when you had intended to use that money for something else..
theres a ton of them..
the only one who can really say if your bro has a drinking problem is him.. and if he doesn't want to do anything about it, or doesn't think he has a problem, there really isn't much you can say or do to make him think otherwise.. you can only get help for a drug/ drinking problem if you want to change.. it won't happen just because someone else wants you to change.. been there done that..


Well-Known Member
I think drinking everyday mean your an alcoholic regardless of the amount, its when you feeling like you need that drink, of course i can see why people would like there to be a line that once crossed makes you an alchy, so they can stay just right of it and claim just a user not an addict...

I drink but less than twice a month, but when I drink its massive amount,(around a fith) and i feel that makes me an alchy to, just not an everyday kind


Well-Known Member
You're only an alcoholic if you actually physically cannot go a day or two without drinking..

As for getting help, I don't give a fuck. What do I care what you do with your life?

Doesn't matter anyways, American beer is pretty much water..


Well-Known Member
video tape him when he's drunk, show him how unappealing it is, maybe then he will see him self as he is.... or maybe it will make him thirsty lol

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
its not like heavy drinking, or really bad but if someone 'only' smoked 5 cigarettes a day every day I would call them addicted... and being addicted to alcohol is considered being alcoholic yes?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Lol 40z isnt that much.. I mean personally i dont think drinking everyday makes you an alcoholic, its when it effects your everyday life IE when you cant function without it that makes you an alcoholic.. As Abraham Lincoln said "if you have no vice you have no virtue"...

Beer is just your brother's fix, let him enjoy life..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Lol 40z isnt that much.. I mean personally i dont think drinking everyday makes you an alcoholic, its when it effects your everyday life IE when you cant function without it that makes you an alcoholic.. As Abraham Lincoln said "if you have no vice you have no virtue"...

Beer is just your brother's fix, let him enjoy life..

are we talking about alcoholic, like problem? or alcoholic, like addiction?

idk :lol:

im going to eat some browniee


Well-Known Member
I am an alcoholic, but in a different form. I can go without alcohol indefinitely if I so choose. But if I do drink, I drink myself stupid......total RAGING binge alcoholic. I can't casual drink, like the person in question. In my view of alcoholism, I would consider the subject a casual drinker.

Though I do agree with Sr. Verde's opinion/conclusion....

its not like heavy drinking, or really bad but if someone 'only' smoked 5 cigarettes a day every day I would call them addicted... and being addicted to alcohol is considered being alcoholic yes?

I think, in this case, technically yes......realistically no. If its just an arguement...."you're a stoner".."yeah, well you're an alcoholic" kinda friendly back and forth banter......assuming you smoke weed everyday, I would say both would be right.

As long as it isn't running or dictating his/her life, I would say live and let live.

Just my opinion. Take care.


Well-Known Member
does his behaviour really need a label? as someone else said (sorry can't remember), he's ultimately the only one who can decide anyway. if you want him to drink less for your own reasons then explain that to him and why he should give a damn, maybe get into the effects of drinking if you wanna sway him (if he doesn't know them already)


Well-Known Member
Not even close to one lol.
a 40 a day aint shit.I would drink a 40 of OE a day when I was 13.
When he wakes up sick because he needs to drink I would say thats when he needs help.
lol I know drunks that go through 2 30 packs a day.


Well-Known Member
I didn't watch this first just posted it so i dont know what direction it goes in but i think this is what most of you are saying is not an addict...


Well-Known Member
racerboy and heisenberg are closest so far.

you can not make the diagnosis that 'you are an alcoholic'

you can say someone meets the criteria for being diagnosed with a alcohol dependence (or alcohol abuse, but i will not lay that out here)

these questions (diagnostic qualifications) are straight out of the dsm IV...still not conclusive, but this is what the mental health professionals in the country use.

you need to meet at least 3 of these qualifications within the last 12 months....

1) tolerance, aka...
a) need for markedly increased amount to achieve same or desired effect
b) markedly less effect with use of same amount

2) withdrawal, aka...
a) experience withdrawal symptoms commonly related to alcohol
b) continued use of alcohol to relieve or avoid said withdrawal symptoms

3) often drink in lager amounts or longer period than intended

4) persistent desire or failed efforts to to cut down on use of alcohol

5) great deal of time spent doing what is needed to obtain, use, or recover from the effects of alcohol.

6) important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced due to alcohol.

7) continued drinking despite knowing of having a persistent or recurring physical or psychological problem likely to have been caused or made worse by alcohol.

substitute 'drinking' and 'alcohol' for whatever other substance you wish, same diagnosis.

if you answer yes to 1 or 2, than you are also physiologically dependent if yo meet criteria 1) or 2).
Honestly I wouldn't be too concerned about 40oz a day. During the summer when I don't have school or work I have been known to go on a beer and orange juice diet for weeks at a time-I'd have to drink a gallon of beer a day just to not look skeletal,but in that same vein when it isn't the summer or a long break I usually don't drink at all-it's too sloppy of a high to me.