feeding schedule in organic grow~


Well-Known Member
i have an organic grow of autoflowering dwarf varieties! 1 gws 2 ak47(one is seedling) 2 white dwarfs!! i have planted the seeds in a hot soil(compost with additional bat guano and worm castings) and was wondering if i should feed every time i water or every other time i water what do you think??
i have fed two teas up to now teas of high P bat guano and worm castings!! i also have a cellmax bloom formula Content:The sodium-phosphorus-potassium ratio is 1.5-13-14. Bio-Organic Bloom contains more than 20 sorts of amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, trace elements, growth hormones and fermentations.
i bought it just in case i needed it but my concept was to use natural sources of feeding for better bud taste!:weed: but if u think this would seriously increase yield or that i would need it than maybe i give it a go! so what do you people think??:-P if you need more detailed info visit my grow journal!! thank you!!


Well-Known Member
lol i guess u dont read well!! i said i have planted in hot soil so all the things i bought are already in the soil!! i feed with teas every two waterings and asked if i should feed every watering!! i also asked if i should introduce the bloom formula besides the teas being used or if i should feed only with the bloom formula!! maybe i didnt express my self correctly so i hope this clarifies!!


New Member
Less is more at this point. You will end up burning or stunting the plants growth and yields by over ferting. If the soil is hot and you have ferted twice with teas already you will have plenty of ferts remaining to get you through flowering. At this point you should water only until the plant tells you its time for a feeding. You could also add a small amount of molases to your water to help with carbs for the plants and to also feed the micro bacteria in the soil. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
how do i know when my plants wanted to be fed how do i tell the signs what are they??? thanks alot bro check out my grow at my signature to see how things are going and give a better idea!! i have been feeding my AK every watering and i think she loves it my GWS is fed every two waterings!! stop by to see how they look!!! thanks alot for the reply and the help bro!!!


New Member
Soil plants dont need to be fed every watering. Remember the soil will retain nutes and it can take up to two weeks to start seeing nute burns kick in. Its best to feed once or twice a week and water the remaining times. The nutes in the soil will get a chance to be used up instead of building up and screwing up your root system. The plant will let you know, if you start seeing a slight yellowing of the smaller new growth its time to feed. Im not saying to wait for yellowing, but its an indication from the plant that its hungry. If you get on a schedule youll be fine. But feeding every watering even if its organic will fry those things.