feeding/discolored leave questions.

Hey. The plant is 2ft 6" tall, and has 4 colas.
the new growth and fan leaves have a lime-yellowish color.
as the plant grows out the discoloration fades..
this has been going on for a week. It looks like zinc def... but I dont think thats. It.
If it only affects new growth or top of plant, it could be lack of Iron.

Or trace-elemnts like Zinc, Copper or Manganese. All these defs could be because of high medium PH (lockout), including Iron.

If it's pure Iron-def, the yellowing will start "backwards" (closest to the branch, at the petiole).

My guess was based on your zinc-idea, as all the issues above affects top of plant first (or new growth).

Other upper-leaves problems:
Boron, Calcium, Sulfur, or too much Phosphorus.

Jus Naturale

Active Member
Sounds like a simple bit of N deficiency. Are you still giving enough N in flower (assuming flower given talk of colas in post)? I often still give a half dose of veg nutes for several weeks into flower, until I'm ready for the fade. Of course, a picture's worth a thousand words!



Well-Known Member
Could be no problem at all. Of course, we'd need pics to tell for certain. :hump: If you're talkin' bright lime green (almost neon) new growth, in early flowering plants. It's normal. Least-wise I usually see it around that time. Goes away totally within maybe 10 days, and as you wrote, the leaf color fades to normal green in a day or two. Personally, I think it's caused by female "mones" :mrgreen:

R2T :peace:
Hey guys thanks for the response. I looked into iron def, I dont think thats it.
here are some pictures.
please help me evaluate the plant.

the new growth and upper fan leaves have the same greenish yellow look as the leaf tips m

Any ideas fellas. This has been occurring for a week now. Not getting better or worse.
Light is 24hr.
temp 72-79
humidity 45-55
Roots organics soil.
alfalfa/worm castings/kelp tea for food.
roots grow and bloom nutes, not using them yet though.
applied roots Oregonism to the roots last transplant.