Feedback Please!!!


Active Member
This is my 1st grow-
I have 5 lovely (hopefully) ladies as you can see in my pic. This is VISC Bermease x fuckn' incred strain. I'm using the new Hortilux 1000w lamp that seems to be the 'SHIT'!!!
We're talking over 3 ft in a month in a half peeps. Check the pics....You'll also notice a specially designed blo motor drawing air from the master bedroom, 1/2 regulated through the lamp and the other 1/2 going into the room for some fresh CO's courtesy of the wifeys deep breathing LOL.
Avg temp 73 degrees w/ a humity of approx 37%
I hope I can get a good yield... Not sure what to expect, but I have 10 feminized Skunk #1 currently seeding. Please feel free to give me feedback as this is my fisrt time.



Active Member
Obviously your yield would be better if your plants were more bushy. The only reason i responded to this is because my plants are about 30 inches tall and im only on the 8th or 9th innernodes and they are very stretched. I know i would do a lot better if they were a lot bushier and obviously the best way to get this would be to get a new strain. I also know pruning will definitly help, I have experience in pruning but i dont know if its too late to prune due to time constraints. Therefore i dont know if theyll fill out in time. What i have been doing is bending the plants and i put another light on the side. Since i have noticed a lot more side branches are growing.


Well-Known Member
with HIDs the plants streches, coz the bulbs are too far.HIDs need very good cooling system to get them closer to the tops.


Well-Known Member
No, I have not switched. I am assuming I would yield more if I were to get them bushier? Should I trim?
You really need to get more light to them. They stretch because they're looking for the light. Can you move your light closer to them?

Trimming, would not make it bushier, but will encourage more branches to grow out from the nodes.

Remember, the buds form at the nodes, so the more nodes you have the more buds. With the 1000k of light you have, that's more than enough. Get those babies closer to the light, but not too close they burn. Get lots of cool air flowing around.

My first 5 years of grow were done with a 1k light.. man it was hot. I had it in a back area in the basement and the heat dissapating through the basement was really hot. It was well into the 90's temps most the time. It was great during the winter as it would heat the basement, but in the summer, man it was hot.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. Right now they are about 1ft away from the light. I'll keep yall posted w/ pics as they flower.