fdd2blk's Basic Trimming And Topping Techniques

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Well-Known Member
i have no specific mix. the dirt in that blue pot is from my neighbors backyard.

i was trying to stay focused on topping and trimming. chastise me for not jacking my own thread. the constant jabs at me are what make me so ornery. what does it do for you?
fdd, you've been around here long enough that you should realize ignorance is bliss and when new growers start to accumulate a little knowledge they start to become set in their 'beliefs'. One thing I've noticed about beliefs over the years, no matter how much you show a person their belief system is wrong, it generally still does not shake their belief. I've been reading your stuff for quite a while and you make a good point, don't say it doesn't work, say it doesn't work for me. Fimming doesn't work for me but I know it works. You know how we are in america, we like to put people on a throne just so we can dethrone them. You do great work, you can't force people to learn.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
fdd, you've been around here long enough that you should realize ignorance is bliss and when new growers start to accumulate a little knowledge they start to become set in their 'beliefs'. One thing I've noticed about beliefs over the years, no matter how much you show a person their belief system is wrong, it generally still does not shake their belief. I've been reading your stuff for quite a while and you make a good point, don't say it doesn't work, say it doesn't work for me. Fimming doesn't work for me but I know it works. You know how we are in america, we like to put people on a throne just so we can dethrone them. You do great work, you can't force people to learn.
there is no wrong way of growing. its just a weed it will grow by its self.. so your belief is right and his belief is right and so is hers. no one can be wrong if its growing

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Well-Known Member
i have no choice but to get involved. did you see what happened when i missed someones question?

i am a troll magnet. that's all there is to it. look what happens when i post a grow thread on a grow forum. :shock:
So I feel I have to comment about the cat shit after reading this post about being a troll magnet. I am not a troll magnet but then again I started one two or three threads on here...however, what I am is a shit magnet. Every place I have ever worked I catch shit and eventually get fired because after almost sixty years I haven't learned how to keep my mouth closed about the wrongs I see happening. With that said, fdd, please keep your cats away from my house. Being the shit magnet that I am, I'm sure they would be crapping in my pots and yes, I am reading through this whole thread. Unbelievable how people can contort things. I have not read anywhere that you encourage people to do anything, how do they get you are saying to use cat shit?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
So I feel I have to comment about the cat shit after reading this post about being a troll magnet. I am not a troll magnet but then again I started one two or three threads on here...however, what I am is a shit magnet. Every place I have ever worked I catch shit and eventually get fired because after almost sixty years I haven't learned how to keep my mouth closed about the wrongs I see happening. With that said, fdd, please keep your cats away from my house. Being the shit magnet that I am, I'm sure they would be crapping in my pots and yes, I am reading through this whole thread. Unbelievable how people can contort things. I have not read anywhere that you encourage people to do anything, how do they get you are saying to use cat shit?
its all in the eyes of the reader. you may take it as one way and some one else see it a whole another way...


Well-Known Member
If only there was a thread somewhere around here where noobies/new technique seekers could get info on basic topping and trimming techniques from an experienced grower... Man, that'd be a nice thread.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
If only there was a thread somewhere around here where noobies/new technique seekers could get info on basic topping and trimming techniques from an experienced grower... Man, that'd be a nice thread.
youtube search growingmeds


Well-Known Member
Haha wow.... ANywayz I LST'd my plants a week ago and they are currently growing 7th set of leaves... I'm going to cut off my bottom "spindly" branches and top all my new shoots, these techniques are a first time for me. Hope it goes well. ... Happy Grown RIU:weed:


New Member
this is what i use [video=youtube;ggGG31WbnCQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggGG31WbnCQ[/video]
works good for topping too


New Member
i found chainsaws to be to tiring cand hold your blunt and a chainsaw but driving this it u have a freehand to hold blunt and room for a beer cooler


Well-Known Member
Oh man that looks like so much fun... I need one of those, it's getting hard to top my 20 foot plants! I only have a 10 foot ladder!!


New Member
Oh man that looks like so much fun... I need one of those, it's getting hard to top my 20 foot plants! I only have a 10 foot ladder!!
hey they work great for cutting the lawn too
u can always say honey we need this
and it even opens beer bottles
and makes a mean salad
u just throw lettuce,carrots, and tomatoes at it and instant salad just hard to catch it all


Well-Known Member
If I'm trying to even my canopy in veg is it ok to keep topping and topping, like cut the top off a top I already topped? Say that 5 times..LOL. Some don't have the roots to take off like others when I start my tables which is a problem itseld BUT I hate a uneven canopy and don't have time to wait for all to pop, and if I did I'd have to cutt back significantly the others that are taking off resulting in topping the topped, I usually bend instead, but then get banana shapped buds and uneven canopy. poop


Weed Modifier
All this sounds like it should be in toke n talk not on a grow forum??? why all the sarcasm ???