fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
those look terrible man im sorry fd but that grow is bad man i thought you were the shit on this website:shock:
ah at the end those look ok but why have them at all different heights?
LOL joking right ????? Please say you are busting his balls. He is doing about as well for that space as one could hope for IMO. Not perfect but who the fuck is ??? You ? Lets see it, proof is in the putting .....


Well-Known Member
those look terrible man im sorry fd but that grow is bad man i thought you were the shit on this website:shock:
ah at the end those look ok but why have them at all different heights?
in order to answer your question i would have to assume you understand the difference between "strains" and "growth patterns". since you obviously are clueless, i won't bother. ;)


Active Member
Hey fdd,
I'm just stumbling across your girls here, and damn they're looking great!
You're definitely showing them the care and love they deserve:)
Good stuff man, +rep and subbing. Should get an amazing harvest outta them!


Well-Known Member
Why do people criticise grows so much on here? Lets try this, instead of saying Hey FDD that grow looks terrible (when really he is probably twice the grower you are) why not just leave it be and you can think to yourself how awesome you are in your own little world. I see it so much here. It is so discouraging.


Well-Known Member
one word for that dude. "retarded"

If you thinking your better at growing. post your pics, put your money where your mouth is.
BTW: noone is better at growing then others, its all about knowledge.,and how you go about growing.

FDD Keep the great work up!


Sector 5 Moderator
FDD if I called fruitrollup a brain dead, slimy little douche-bag, cock sucking, twinkle-toed, numb nuts, would you ban me? Just asking before I do it. :)


Well-Known Member
that guy is just trollin

obv fdd's grow is epic like usual and everyone knows it. I cant wait till Oct.


Well-Known Member

əs/ Show Spelled[jel-uh
s] Show IPA
–adjective 1. feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages (often fol. by of ): They were jealous of FDD's ability to grow some dank.

2. feeling resentment because of another's success, advantage, etc. (often fol. by of ): They were jealous of FDD's garden.


Well-Known Member
Hey brother D. Plants are looking great again. What is the difference between HJ Phenos A and B? Thx Hope I can make the next tiki party.


Well-Known Member
Hey brother D. Plants are looking great again. What is the difference between HJ Phenos A and B? Thx Hope I can make the next tiki party.
A pheno has more of a sativa influence. it tends to stretch more. it gets nice long, skinny colas. the B pheno is more of an indica influence. the buds have tighter spaced nodes and are fatter.

bring teriyaki sauce. :cool:


Why do people criticise grows so much on here? It is so discouraging.
Every site has em and they look to do two things, disrupt and divide. Don't let it discourage, for if you do they accomplish their goal. The best thing to do is sometimes the hardest...just ignore them. There is a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned from the members here and what's so awesome is that they freely give it. It's the fdd's, veggiegardener's etc. that deserve our thanks and appreciation because it's them that put in the countless hours of trial and error and then gladly post so that we all may benefit.


Well-Known Member
when I first saw how far apart FDD's plants were I thought cool plenty of room so they don't block the light. I never imagined that they would fill that entire space. Simply incredible!