Fastest way to flower? please help!


Active Member
Okay, so here's the deal,
I have about two months of grow time this summer :shock:. I ordered some KC36 from attitude, it say it flowers in 45-60 days. I'll be growing under 3 400w HPS lights. What can I do for the fastest possible flowering from seed?

I heard a 36 hour dark period before flowering is beneficial as is a bloom booster. Any other guidance would be GREATLY appreciated. All the herb in my town is shitty, overpriced, underweighed shwag. PLEASE HELP!



Active Member
id say keep it outside for the whole summer nothing like the summer sun lol
That's not really the answer i was looking for, i was hoping for something to help my plants flower as fast as possible. I don't care about diminished yield or potency, ANYTHING i grow will be better than the shit in my town.


Well-Known Member
the only thing you can do is a 12/12 cycle from seedling. what i would do is grow for about a week at 18/6 cycle and drop it down to 12/12 a week after comming out of the ground thats the best you can do. im still looking for the miracle shit that makes it grow in a week or two


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think its enough time from seed, would just barely be possible from clone if it takes 60 days. do you have exactly 8 weeks? Then again, if the plant is super small it will finish way faster... I say 12/12 from seed, but do you have a way to give yourself 3 months, if you did you'd be way happier with a bigger, better, more cloneable plant...
good luck brosky.


Active Member
I honestly don't think its enough time from seed, would just barely be possible from clone if it takes 60 days. do you have exactly 8 weeks? Then again, if the plant is super small it will finish way faster... I say 12/12 from seed, but do you have a way to give yourself 3 months, if you did you'd be way happier with a bigger, better, more cloneable plant...
good luck brosky.
If there was a way to grow for 3 weeks without me being there, then yes.


Well-Known Member
another suggestion, sorry for the new post: spend that two months getting a nice healthy female mother plant. If you have 1200w goin, I say use that shit to its full potential. If you do you will own your town's market. I know you just want bud in 2 months, but for all that time waiting and all that shit you gotta buy its just not worth it to grow inefficiently. :peace:


Well-Known Member
If there was a way to grow for 3 weeks without me being there, then yes.
1. plant outdoors near a stream
2. can't a friend water them?
3. construct a drip system, at least get someone to check up on it once a week

If there is absolutly no one you trust enough, then don't, but it'd be more than worth the bud that you'd pay them with to grow it out as long as possible (1-2 ft in veg, under 400s).


Well-Known Member
even 12/12 from seed will take more than 2 months. i did it...and it took a little over 12 weeks for all the girls to finish. great result though :) not a huge yield...about an ounce per plant, lots of crystals...nice overall result.
i think im going to elaborate on my answer, because i just re read the original post. if the strain you got takes 45-60 days to flower, thats just a guess and thats *only* the flower time. even if you do 12/12 right off the bat, the plants still need about 3 or 4 weeks to grow enough nodes to flower. its still gonna take around 3 months...


Well-Known Member
It would be more possible if you gave them 14-16 hours of darkness per night, they'd mature hella faster. but yeah, even 12/12 from seed doesn't magically make a plant mature enough to flower.


Well-Known Member
basically, you have a resevoir at a high elevation, gravity pulls water through X # of small, fitted, sealed hoses to each plant. each hose can have a drip regulator (could be 1 drip per min or whatever. check out hardware store and covertly ask them). see what works, experiment. that's just a passive way, it'd need to drain into something... I have never tried this, but maybe someone else has a method for passive (no water pump) drip system?
you can try a 20 hour day instead of a 24 hour day. makes the plant kinda think that its been 6 days every 5 real days. so do 8 hours with lights on and 12 with lights off. after 40 real days the plant thinks its been 48 "fake" days already.