Fan Speed Controller - Auto transformer,variac,etc


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, i know this type of post has come up alot although im stuck in a bubble of confusion, im really keen to get my grow going but i keep stumbling upon new ways.. hopefully i dont post again besides for nutes etc..

This is a pretty good read up if anyone hasnt seen it ( )

So my fan i have is a 6" - 150 Inline with a external rotor motor , Specs ( )

Speed Controller that came with ( Fan Control , )

End of the day i want efficiency, good lifespan & i want the fan react to temperatures within my cabinet.

I was wondering if it is possible to use the controller i have with a thermostat but ill probably have to do some soldering work on the board ?

Other options were trying to build a diy variable transformer with thermostat or buying one from ( ) when they release
the version with the thermostat.

I have a few places in my area that can source variable transformers etc

Although in the first pdf they do say that its possible to regulate the voltage with my type of fan "external rotor" cause of the cooling efficiency & the design. What do you all think though ?

Any help will be kindly appreciated.

PEACE :peace: