Fan leaf death one week from chop

My one plant is one week from harvest and almost all of her large fan leaves are yellowing and making a claw shape. The yellowing started at the bottom of the plant and has worked it's way up but the top few leaves are still green. The buds look healthy and the sugar leaves are still green but there are some smaller fan leaves near the bud sites that are starting to yellow as well. I've been flushing for about a week. At the rate I'm losing leaves it looks like I'll be out of large fan leaves around the same time I chop one week from today. Is this normal? BTW - growing in soil with the plant surrounded by about 250 watts of 2700k CFLs.


Well-Known Member
wouldnt worry about it now mate, happens to most plants in flower, and with only a week left wouldnt worry at all,, enjoy//

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
It knows its end is near,
let it be.
Nothing to worry about.
Although I would like to see how your darling is doing :D


Well-Known Member
From everything that I have read, this is normal. The plant is using up the last of the nitrogen. I got a plant almost 8 weeks into flowering and mine is doing the same thing, scared me at first, but im sure it's just part of the plants natural cycle.