Family Secrets, and Treasure maps...


Well-Known Member
Enflourage is plant material extracted in to a fat or oil. Ex: Coconut Oil, Butter, Vegetable Oil, Olive Oil, etc.

Concrete is an extraction that is dried. Ex: You could make strong dark Tea with a plant, then evaporate the water by boiling it all away, and you would have concrete of that plant. You could also let a plant sit in Alcohol or another Solvent, then filter out the plant material. Then let the solvent evaporate. Then you have Concrete also. Dry sifting also makes a form of Concrete.

Concrete can be used as Incense.

Absolute is a more pure extract. To get absolute you can do a few different things. The most common is distillation. This is the same way people make Moonshine. You make a dark tea with the plant, then put it in a Still and evaporate it to the other side. Any steam extraction method with get you Absolute. The Chemistry way to make Absolute is to do an extraction in a non-Polar Solvent, then do a wash with a Polar solvent. Or Polarization, Winterization and Filtration.

This will create a produce Perfume grade stuff.

If you are going to make a Perfume, usually you would get something called "Perfumer's Alcohol" and you would mix your Absolute with that, and other things like Lemonene or whatever Terpene you want in there.

In the Perfume industry they use the Molecule "Caryophyllene" to make Marijuana perfumes. I am pretty sure you could make something that smelled like Marijuana if you make Absolute from Patchouli and Uziza.
Separatory Funnel

Polar Substances

Winterizing (Freezing to make solids fall and liquids separate)



Well-Known Member

Everyone knows about Catnip and the effects it has on Cats, if you have not heard of it here is a video of some cats on Catnip. If you have a Cat and it has 1 toy that it likes the most, it probably has Catnip in it. Catnip itself contains Nepalactone which is a Terpene. You can make Catnip hash or Essential Oil and it will contain a purer form of Nepalactone. There is also something called "Dog nip" but I am not sure if it is an herb, and any food works as dog nip, lol.

Catnip does not work on a small portion of Cats, but that is ok, there are more than just 1 plant that can help cats get a new perspective on the world. There is also a plant called "Silver Vine" it grows wild in Japan and you can buy it on the internet or at certain pet stores that know about this. Silver Vine contains 2 Terpenes that work together to make cats feel awesome.

Cat Thyme (Related to Catnip, Thyme, Mint, etc) also contains Terpenes that Cats like.

Valerian Root is know to help people get on regular sleeping patterns, and it happens to contain Terpenes that smell similar to Cat Pheremones (Basically Cat Urine) so cats seem to like it.

There is also Tartarian Honeysuckle, whose bark contains Terpenes that attract some cats.

Plants that may attract cats

Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), an American plant that occurs as far south as Virginia and California, contains a cat attractant chemical called mitsugashiwalactone that triggers a similar reaction to catnip in susceptible cats.
Northern groundcone (Boschniakia rossica) is a parasitic member of the broomrape family and found in north-western North America. It contains 2 cat attractant compounds, boschniakine and boschnialactone.
Yellowbells (Tecoma stans) is a small tree native to Florida and contains both boschniakine and actinidine and may be attractive to cats.
Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans) is a woody vine that may also contains boschniakine, but there are no reports of its attractiveness to cats.
Other plants that have been reported to attract cats: Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus, sometimes called Cranberry Bush and most commonly found in cultivation as the Snowball Tree), the perennial Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus/Hop Marjoram), the spring-flowering annual Baby Blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii) and the Zimbabwean plant Zinziba (Lippia javanica aka Verbena javanica).

Terpenes that attract Cats
* actinidine
* actinidiolide
* boschnialactone
* boschniakine
* dihydroactinidiolide
* dihydronepetalactone
* epinepetalactone
* iridomyrmecin
* isodihydronepetalactone
* mitsugashiwalactone
* nepetalactone (classical catnip)
* neonepetalactone
* onikulactone


Well-Known Member

The main Terpene in Peppermint that makes peppermint what it is, is Menthol. Menthol is actually a Kappa Opiod Agonist as well. When you say "Opiate" most people think of Morphine or Heroine, but that is just a small representation of Opiates. There is an entire Spectrum of Opiates, many of which are used in Cooking and Food. Milk and Spinach even contain Opiates.

Red Clover is one of the most well known herbs for treating Menstrual Cramps, and it was discovered that it contains an Mu- and Delta-Opiod receptor Agonist. In plain English, it is an Opiate.

Crydalis Yanhusuo is similar, and has been shown to be strong against Migranes and Headaches.

Chocolate has also been shown to make Opiods stronger, this is known as a "Potentiator".

This is the Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog, it sweats a few Opiod Peptides (Deltorphin & Dermorphin) as a defense mechanism and it is similar in strength to Morphine.

Myrrh, yep like the stuff in the Bible. It is an Opiate, it is like Peppermint in strength.

L-Phenylalanine is a common supplement that people use as a Nootropic for a healthy brain, but the Chiral form known as D-Phenylalanine is a Enkephalinase Inhibitor. Your body has "Endogenous Morphines" known as "Endorphines" and an Enkephalinase eats up all the extra Endophines in your brain, but if you have an Enkephalinas Inhibitor then the Endorphines will not be eaten up and with stay in your brain longer.

In the Marijuana industry a Certain Extract called "CBD" has become popular because it has some effects of Marijuana, while not giving you strong Psychoactive effects. Studies have been done showing that CBD is an Opiod.

If you go to a REAL Mexican Grocery store where the make Tacos and stuff, you can get Cow Brain. Cow Brain contains Adrenorphin which is an Opiod. The Mexican Grocery stores that serve Tacos like this will say something like "Tacos De Cabeza".

You have probably heard of Thyme (Pronounced: Time), it contains a Terpene called "Thymol". Thymol is structurally and effectively related to Propofol. Propofol is the stuff that Michael Jackson was taking to sleep. Thymol does not work like Propofol in the body, because your CYP Enzymes break it down into an ineffective molecule. Thymol can also be found in Syrian Oregano and other plants.

Dittany of Crete is a cooking herb that was Bred near Ancient Greece. It does not make seeds and has to be spread by people taking Cuttings to make Clones. It contains the Terpenes Carvacrol (68.96%), β-Phellandrene (18.34%) and p-Cymene (4.68%)

Sage Plants are Also in the Mint Family, including "Salvia Divinorum". Salvia just means "Sage" in Latin, but Salvia Divinorum is the specific Sage you think of when I say "Salvia". It has been used by the Mazatec people for thousands of years and is said to be able to connect you to "Ska Pastora" aka "The Shepherdess". It contains the Terpenes Salvinorin A and B. It also attaches to an Opiod receptor.

Coleus Blumei is a common garden or house plant, and it has been used by the Mazatecs to induce Dreams for a long time, it is related to Salvia and Mint, etc. So it probably contains something that attaches to an Opiod receptor, but it has not been studied by modern Scientists.

Inebriating Mint is a Mint plant that grows around Turkey, and it has been used in a Tea for recreation and for medicinal uses, such as suppressing coughs so it it probably also an Opiod.

Moldavian Dragon's Head is an Asian plant that is related to Mint and has Sedative properties, as well as applications in Eastern Medicine.


Well-Known Member
The easiest way to describe how Perfume is made is Rose Perfume in the context of the country Turkey. Pure rose extract is known as "Rose Otto", this contains all of the major smell compounds found in Roses, 2 main ones are b-Damascone and Phenethyl Alcohol. But those are not extremely important for you to remember if you want to make the perfume.

This part is important to remember, there are tons of Rose species but the 2 species of roses that have the most Terpenes and have been bred for this are Rosa Damascena and Rosa Centifolia. Damascena is what they have mainly historically used in Turkey and Centifolia has been historically used in Egypt.

Turkey probably has the biggest Rose distillery in the world, and the way they extract the Roses is the same way Jack Daniels or Bacardi make their stuff, just with no Fermentation stage. They use a still just like you have probably seen in movies and stuff where people make Moonshine, like Brass tubing and everything. They put the roses in water or make rose tea, then put that in the side that they heat up. And on the colder side they collect the Distillate, which is the Rose Otto. Most places also do another run, where they remove the Otto they collected on the cold side and then add more water to the roses and run them through again. Then they put the Otto in the heating side and run it through again. If you get a Separatory funnel you can skip all this and just leave it over night and let it separate.

Here is how a Separatory funnel works

So if you do this with Roses you have "Rose Otto", if you do this with any other plant it is usually called "Absolute", and this is Perfume Grade plant extraction.


Well-Known Member
And just btw, I am learning the C Programming language and I will be making a Cryptocoin, but first I will be growing a New Marijuana strain and new Mint strains and stuff, and making a few new smells and publishing the book. Then I will put out the coin and let people trade all these things for coins so that people will start mining early on.


Well-Known Member

Our Goal is:
"To Spread Knowledge about Sacred Herbs, Light & the Gods, while connecting all Religions through the Egyptian/Jewish/Buddhist, etc Tree of Life (As opposed to the Christian Tree of Knowledge). And to empower people Spiritually, Legally and Crypto-Economically within their own communities."

This book is for Polytheists. Christians and Atheists can read it, but it has nothing to do with Theism, so anyone coming into this thinking a "Theist" wrote it or an "Atheist" wrote it is just coming at the whole thing wrong. Theism and Atheism are about a Creative force or Demiurgus, this is about Gods. The words "Theism" and "Religion" are not the same, neither are the words "Atheism" and "Science". Religion also has nothing to do with Heaven or Hell, that is Christianity. Reincarnation or a Spirit World are the most common Religious concepts, and reincarnation can be seen in the food chain & the energy cycle.

Abrahamic Religions (Christianity & Islam mainly) have killed millions of people for thousands of years to hide these things from you.

B.I.B.L.E. Without Specified Chapters

Chapter 1: Earth Unlocked

Chapter 2: Religious Movements

Chapter 3: Sacred Herbs & Spices

Chapter 4: Dream Tech

Chapter 5: Monotheism

Chapter 6: Town Making

Chapter 7: Time Space & Gravity

Chapter 8: Temple Structure

Chapter 9: Parables & Vampires

Chapter 10: The DNA Record & The Fossil Record

Chapter 11: Biological Teleportation & Gender in Language

More Chapters being made


Well-Known Member
If anyone is starting a Temple, the Toads are already sold out
This is my new sig.

And just btw, I am learning the C Programming language and I will be making a Cryptocoin, but first I will be growing a New Marijuana strain and new Mint strains and stuff, and making a few new smells and publishing the book. Then I will put out the coin and let people trade all these things for coins so that people will start mining early on.
Fin, you are getting ahead of yourself again. You still owe me open source plans for a reverse bong!


Well-Known Member
It's not your presence here that would concern me personally.. It's your life in general.
I think you are pretending to know me, lol. So just in case you don't know, you have never met me and neither has anyone from this website. Except maybe a few Mexican Guidos in Pueblo who I had to live with thanks to Craiglist. :lol: They might have been worse than the Bronies. I showed them the New Haircut video and they thought I was making fun of them, but it was just a funny video.


Well-Known Member
And the only thing the people in Pueblo can say is that I don't know how to grow, but that is because they are growing with Illegal grower methods, but I use Horticultural and Epigenetic methods. So basically, they are farming for Yield, I am farming for Mutants.


Well-Known Member
For example, most fruit we have today like Oranges or Apples started as Tumor like Mutations in the Plant, but then became the Fruits we see today. So I could do something like that, where I stress a plant so much it reveals that it has the tumor gene, then I breed that plant until I get a fruit. And then we have Marijuana fruit, lol. I am not sure I will get that exact mutation, but it is an example.