Fake seeds??


Well-Known Member
i just got 2 different orders of seeds today from two companies but i ordered the same seed bank but different seeds with them ..long story short.. 1 sent there seeds original package from breeder and the other no but when i compared the original breeders pakage to the others companys the seeds looked small and didint have many of those black lines on them like the original breeders pack even though there the same seed bank the original seed bank pakage was white satin ,kalikathra. the ones that came no breeder pack were safari mix and hashberry all seeds are a mandala strain but the company's shipped different what gives anyone ever notice that????????????


Active Member
That was difficult to read.

Not all seeds look the same, size and coloration may vary.
Also perhapes the seed bank your ordered from didn't directly send you the seeds.
They could have come from 2 diffirent places.
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Well-Known Member
my bad .....there from different companys 1 company sent me "mandala" white satin and kalikatra" original pakage ..the other company sent "mandala" hashberry and spped queen,safari mix......when you look at the original breeders pak they look way different i mean bigger more of those black lines ,,,,,,,,they look like the seeds from the madical bibles growers like that ...the others ones look smaller and only some have black lines....


Active Member
Hey no hastle man!!! if you not happy you willbe refunded or a new shipment will be shipped in replacement.. plant some'o those beans see what comes up. Grow in peace & good luck my crop today


Well-Known Member
no doubt there gonna get planted but i just wanted to hear you guys opinion and farmer read up the seeds breeder are the same but where i ordered from was different .....but honestly the original paks look better they got a customer for life..im gonna order some serious seeds from them kali mist to see if they goona come in the breeders pak like this i hope so


Active Member
I know what you mean about packaging. & how it can make a 1st impression. Ide say you got the real deal from both websites. & you found a favourite. Yep been there & i do go back :-)


Well-Known Member
From what ive heard mandala seeds are getting a bit on the shy side and not many sellers can not get them , could mybe be a reason


Well-Known Member
i read that the breeder from mandala was sick and if you go on there site they said they wont be open till 09 but you can get there seeds from reseelers but alot are out of stock...so good luck


Well-Known Member
oh yeah forgot most big breeders like send 15 seeds per pak....but also where i got tha original pak from the price was a lil higher and i got no free seeds...the other place pretty good price free seeds but no original pak.....fuck it though