FAIL-Flush VERY FUNNY xD PLEASE Watch this Video! xD


Well-Known Member
I just had a 5 minute laugh attack.
This guy made a guide how to flush a plant before harvest. He gives the plant a actual bath.. OMG also read the comments its hysterical! xD

Please be high before you watch this you'll puke of laughter xD hahahahahahhaa

Enjoy xD


Well-Known Member
"You'll see this brown stuff draining out. That's what we are getting rid of"

Hahahaha, do you mean the soil?

That has to be a joke right?


Well-Known Member
To be honest I'm not sure xD I'm still laughing ... hahahahaha

He might be serious LOL i wonder if the plant survived this kind of trauma hahahahaha xD


Active Member
When I was 14 I use to think flushing was watering until the run off came out clear. I learned 2 weeks later that this is in fact not how you flush and I haven't done it since. I'm over 20 now so yeah lol.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is not in my game. lol Dont get me wrong, I flush towards the end of each cycle. But good lord, not that long! Maybe like 2 to 5 days at most!! I use all organic, so that tends to help out allot. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
This guy is crazy hahahahah He also speaks as if he's like a progrower but in reality he's a marijuana plant torturer.
Those poor babies


Well-Known Member
Yes.... Did you guys notice he's growing in a mop bucket? hahahahahah and he repotted it 2 weeks before harvest LOOLOLOL xD
My favourite part was how he cut the bucket before he flushed.


Well-Known Member
I seen so many things wrong. with the plant and set up. horrible. you see the fan blowing so hard onto the plant never giving it a break stressing it. and giving it a bath like that WTF ????? is that going to do . the plant was small I would not show my dog the plant. and it was so burnt it was sick. total knuckle head making a fool of him self . lol funny shit ty for posting. how is he going to get all that dirt out of the tub ? make his wife clean it up . bitch clean the fucking bath tub.


Well-Known Member
I seen so many things wrong. with the plant and set up. horrible. you see the fan blowing so hard onto the plant never giving it a break stressing it. and giving it a bath like that WTF ????? is that going to do . the plant was small I would not show my dog the plant. and it was so burnt it was sick. total knuckle head making a fool of him self . lol funny shit ty for posting. how is he going to get all that dirt out of the tub ? make his wife clean it up . bitch clean the fucking bath tub.
No problem i hope you had a good laugh.... Ya the setup is really funny on carton boxes with 40 W CFL lights xD
I'm pretty sure the pluming costs were enormously high xD A ounce would have been cheaper than to do what he did.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes I recommend flushing ALL plants no matter what they are...cannabis, ficus, palms, fruit trees...oh yeah...
2377861886_b7069f1f37.jpg...if my cat don't get there first that is...dharma-toilet.jpg...........:wall:


Well-Known Member
lol.. Im a so called "pothead". However, I am working towards my botanist license now. My dad had his, and while living he showed me all of his tricks. I was lucky to be able to learn by his side. :)
Another irrevocable fact proving why potheads should not attempt botany.


Well-Known Member
lol.. Im a so called "pothead". However, I am working towards my botanist license now.
Just curious as to where they licence Botanists. Never heard of that but sounds like a good idea. So what country, nation, sovereign state licenses botanists ?


Well-Known Member
I discovered he also made a 2nd video about re-potting not as funny, but he re potted the plant completely root bound without freeing the roots LOLOL


Well-Known Member
He's going to seriously clog that drain. I learned that by watering the plants in the tub as a convenient way to deal with the runoff. I don't like to flush unless the plant is going to die if I don't.