
Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I only have one cat that likes the cold,and he's partially feral.Comes in to eat or to get treated if sick, then leaves.The rest are spoiled.Right now they are all having some salmon with eggs and bread mixed in...later they will washh themselves so the smell like the wonderful salmon.Then they will pass out.
mine too...and the cats just follow her lead...I love them but they need to STTOOOOPPPPP!!!

yeah right....ain't gonna happen :hump::joint::hump:


New Member
I have one that lurks around the door to make a break for it when I let the dogs in. I already chased him across the yard once today. He thinks is name is "dammit Tiger, you fucker"

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Small world, my feral guy is named Tiger.But he's black.We named him Tiger because he got very sick as a kitten and came back with flying colors.We said he had the heart of a Tiger.
I have one that lurks around the door to make a break for it when I let the dogs in. I already chased him across the yard once today. He thinks is name is "dammit Tiger, you fucker"


New Member
Cat's really are resilient in the extreme. A friend had a cat named Splat because she saw it as a stray get hit by a car.....she pretty much scraped him off the pavement...he got wired back together (literally) after a couple of days lag time (dirt poor friend). sweet, sweet, Frankenstein looking cat, Splat.


Well-Known Member
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back. The more I know, the more I know there is to know and how little I really do.


Well-Known Member
Fact - I'm bored as hell
Well, if you weren't bored would you be on the site?

Fact: I wouldn't be.

Except taht I also really like that thread where it's pushing for marijuana legalization, cause that needs to happen. I'm a high school graduate, prospective college student, and I'd rather have legal weed than more help in getting money for college. Cause if i can have a plant and grow, i can deal with the bullshit about paying for school. :-o


New Member
but the government would rather bust you for having it so they can ruin your life and make you ineligible for most jobs.

It's just a way to oppress people, they've got to have a way to push most of us down, if not, we'd end up at their level and they can't have that.


Well-Known Member
How do i know the colours i see are the same colours as everyone else sees?
haha , i hate gettin those thoughts deep in stone mode!
imagine it tho , bloody green cunts strollin about n sum1 just takin it as the way i is . . n when i say green , that could be ur red , or blue.

I do know for fact tho, that many ficticious things are claimed as fact , especially relating to the use of cannabis.

I also know for a fact , im fucked without it


Well-Known Member
haha , i hate gettin those thoughts deep in stone mode!
imagine it tho , bloody green cunts strollin about n sum1 just takin it as the way i is . . n when i say green , that could be ur red , or blue.

I do know for fact tho, that many ficticious things are claimed as fact , especially relating to the use of cannabis.

I also know for a fact , im fucked without it
Yea i can ponder on thoughts like that for hours when im wasted and still have no idea lol


Well-Known Member
It is possible to "work out what its all about" whilst highly stoned, but you will have no recollection of it in the morning


Well-Known Member
It is possible to "work out what its all about" whilst highly stoned, but you will have no recollection of it in the morning
For sure. :weed::leaf:

Although, even when i do remember, I think to myself, "Okay, now why was taht so revelatory?"


Well-Known Member
haha , i hate gettin those thoughts deep in stone mode!
imagine it tho , bloody green cunts strollin about n sum1 just takin it as the way i is . . n when i say green , that could be ur red , or blue.

I do know for fact tho, that many ficticious things are claimed as fact , especially relating to the use of cannabis.

I also know for a fact , im fucked without it

man i think about this shit all the time! cuzi think everybodys fav color should b red! but i might see red as blue! so u fav color is blue! and it is impossible to describe a color! how id describe red! umm blood ( ud b seeing blue blood? but ud know it as red! so its red) man i hate being sober!